Welcome to My Blog . . .

“MORE”…  “MORE”...  “MORE”…  For months now, I have felt God whisper, “MORE” in my ear.  More?  Seriously?  More?  What in the world does that mean?  What in the world does He want?  Does He want me to do More; be More; give More? Me?  Why me?  Why is He telling ME He wants More?  I am flawed!  I have issues and hang-ups and loads of baggage.  I have done my best to convince God that there are many others who are way more capable of giving MORE than me.  I have even offered Him a list of incredible women that -no doubt -could do this MORE thing far better than I can.

Still He whispers, “MORE”.  So I am stepping out in faith – trusting in Him and giving Him the “MORE” He is seeking.  I feel led, called, even a little commanded to start this blog.  I have no idea what I am doing.  I don’t know where this will lead or what will come from it – but I do know that I have no choice but to say, “YES.  Yes, Lord – I will do whatever you lead me to do.”

I have spent the last 16 years working with women.  I love what I do.  I love building relationships and helping others see their worth and potential. It is so sad that we focus on our weaknesses – comparing them to other’s strengths.  We beat ourselves up and allow our self-image to become distorted and ugly.  We dwell and obsess over things that at the end of the day – simply… don’t… matter.

So…I am going to be real.  I am going to be honest.  I am going to share what is laid on my heart to share.  My prayer is that all of it will point you to HIM.  You see, He is all that matters.  He is enough.  He is what this life is all about.  When our time here is over – we will not be talking about when we switched our daughter from her bottle to a sippy cup or the grades our children made.  We will not be comparing our weight or dress size.   We will not be sharing recipes or Pinterest boards or counting our number of Facebook friends and Twitter followers.  No.  You see, we will want to talk about the things that MATTER, truly Matter - the things that last - the things that are eternal.

So . . . come with me.  Let’s take a journey.  Twice a week, check back here and let’s hold hands, lay down our fears, our frustrations, our insecurities and together let’s Master what Matters.


It's My Turn