Sometimes it is hard to know if someone is a believer or not. As believers, we often blend in with the world. We love the things of the world. Like Eve in the garden and like Jesus in the wilderness, Satan tempts us with a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for more possessions, and a craving for achievement. We get sucked in and before we know it, we are living to have our worldly desires met.
Read MoreHere it comes! The beginning of a new year and we are not ready. We are still trying to get the Christmas glitter off our floors and the world is shouting that we are supposed to be hyper focused on what we want to accomplish in 2025.
Woah! Slow your roll. Let’s take a beat and …
Read MoreHere are 10 reasons you should start practicing gratitude today. Ready? These are legit. Harvard Medical School conducted research on those who focused on being grateful and those who focused on their irritations. You will also find 5 ways to start practicing gratitude today.
Read More“Being a follower who sometimes fails is better than being one who fails to follow.”
I read this quote this morning during my quiet time. I was reading about Peter denying Jesus three times. Sometimes we read that passage and we judge Peter. We wonder how he could have denied knowing Jesus after all that he had witnessed Jesus do.
Read MoreSo, if we are followers of Jesus, He is saying that we are the salt of the earth. My Bible commentary says, and I quote, “If a seasoning has no flavor, it has no value. If Christians make no effort to affect the world around them, they are of little value in representing God’s presence in this world. If we are too much like the world, we won’t be able to help or change it; as seasoning, we will be worthless.” Ouch! Take a breath…
Read MoreYesterday, I had the privilege of sharing with business leaders about the importance of connecting with their clients and customers. Today, I am thinking about you. I wonder if you are aware how important it is that you connect with others?
It is so easy to isolate ourselves. It is so easy to stay inside our comfort zone. It is so easy to focus on our desires, and miss opportunities that God is giving us to impact lives.
What if we intentionally began ...
Read MoreThe purpose of life can only be shared with us by the Creator of this life. Why would we look anywhere other than the Bible to find who it is we should become, to discover what it is we should do, and to question what our specific purpose might be?
This question is not new. Humans have been asking it since the beginning of time. Here is what…
Read MoreHave you ever called yourself a disciple? Do you immediately feel unworthy? Does the thought create a little angst in your spirit?
By definition, a disciple is a follower. Are you a follower of Jesus? It feels a bit easier to answer yes when it is phrased like that.
Let’s continue… a disciple of Christ is a follower who accepts and assists in spreading the good news of the gospel. This is what every believer is called to do. Yes, every believer so that includes me and you. (Keep reading for 5 Indicators we have Decided to be a Disciple…
Read MoreDon’t fool yourself into believing that you do not have a responsibility to lead. The Bible tells us in Luke 12:48… When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.
So, what are we to do?
Read MoreDid you know you have some blind spots? Have you ever stopped to think there may be some things you do not see? Have you considered the fact that you could benefit from a little light being shown into your darkness?
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if you are called to ministry? You see others serving, publicly talking about Jesus, and even starting non-profits. It makes you wonder, am I called to ministry?
If we are a child of God, then we are called to ministry. We are to be about our Father’s business. But… that doesn’t mean that we need to have an official ministry title or official ministry geared business or job. It means…
Read MoreThen everything you do will bring glory… Wait, let’s read that again. “Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.” Did that say “everything you do”? I can tell you with certainty that I am having a hard time imagining that everything I do could possibly bring honor to God. Yet, at the same time I believe the Bible is filled with truth. So, maybe the question we need to ask is how? How can we bring glory to God in everything we do?
Read MoreWhat if shifting our focus could change everything? Could it really be that simple? Could what we focus on determine the quality of our life, our experiences, and the trajectory of our life?
Read MoreThe Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:18 that where there is no vision the people perish. So, can I help you create a vision of what God is calling you to do?
Read MoreJust for fun, I thought today was a good day to list 60 things I want to tell you. These are things I want my children and grandchildren to know. These are things I want to talk about with my friends. These are some of the things I share with my clients. These are 60 things that have …
Read MoreThis morning, I googled “is my butterfly plant dead”. On the website,, I read 3 things I could do to see if it was dead, dormant, or still alive…