Being a Follower

“Being a follower who sometimes fails is better than being one who fails to follow.”

I read this quote this morning during my quiet time. I was reading about Peter denying Jesus three times. Sometimes we read that passage and we judge Peter. We wonder how he could have denied knowing Jesus after all that he had witnessed Jesus do.

But maybe that is not what should be the takeaway from that passage. Yes, Peter failed to acknowledge he knew Jesus personally. He failed to acknowledge that they were close friends. He didn’t even mention that he had given up everything to follow Jesus. Maybe the takeaway for us is that, like Peter, we cannot be faithful, wise, good, and righteous without God’s grace. It is only by His grace that we can follow Him. (*New Morning Mercies)

How are you doing today being a follower? Are people recognizing you as someone who spends time with Jesus? Are they asking if you know Him?

Everyone is following something or someone. In this current season – are we following Jesus or are we following a certain political party, our friends, our family, our selfish desires, or popular culture? Take a second and write down the question, “Who am I following?”

Let’s all ask God to reveal to us who it is that we are following. Let’s talk to Him about it for 7 days in a row and prayerfully ask Him to reveal who or what we are following these days. Let’s be sure to listen, read His word, and open our hands to receive His answer. He always reveals truth – even when it hurts.

Here is the good news…

 Jesus said, “The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” (John 6:63) It is the power of the Holy Spirit that renews our mind and spirit. It is by His power and His grace that we are able to follow Jesus. It is Him who gives us the opportunity to follow Jesus and lead others to Him in our workplace, in our community, and in our home.

I am praying for you as you follow Jesus.




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Resources for you…


The Practice of Gratitude


You are the Salt of the Earth - Rise up and Lead