I chuckle every time I see the sentence above. Years ago I was having a conversation with someone who had hurt me and caused me great disappointment. I needed to talk through the situation with her- but she wasn't willing to do that. She let me know that she expected me to go forward as if nothing had happened. She put her hands on her hips and sternly said, "I am NOT PERFECK!". (with an emphasis on the "k" sound). I had to resist the urge to say, "you sure aren'k".  haha! The truth is none of us are PERFECK ... o.k., o.k., I'll stop it with the K.  None of us are PERFECT either. Try as we might to make everything appear perfect in our lives - we are all flawed and a greater mess than we will ever admit.  Isn't it funny that on the days we really want to make a good impression - we can be sure to have a bad hair day or our kids will act their worst or the biggest zit ever will pop up on our nose!  Hmmm...I can't help but wonder if that is God's way of reminding us that our quest for perfection in the worldly sense is just wasted effort. Our quest instead should be focused on growing and becoming more like Jesus. Now...He was perfect! Can I get an AMEN?

Sometimes, I think that others may view Christians as hypocrites because when we say we love Jesus and have accepted Him as our Savior - they expect us to be perfect.  But being perfect is not what being a Christian is all about.  And no matter how devoted we are to the Lord - the crown of perfection will never be placed upon our head.  We are just a bunch of imperfect people, who- if we are seeking a relationship with Jesus - are trying to free ourselves of our emotional baggage and life scars; hoping to shed our sinful nature; striving to grow and become more like Him; and learning to wholly and completely trust in Him.  Are our efforts PERFECT? No.  It is a choice we must make daily – a choice to choose His way instead of our own way.

So . . . instead of pursuing perfection (which will always be a failed attempt)- lets step out in child-like faith and decide we are going to choose to let our light shine. What does that mean?  Our light, our inner light is the reflection of Christ in us.

Matthew 5:16 says "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

That means that we should live our lives and conduct ourselves in a way (living out love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control) that others may see a glimpse of Jesus in us.  If we could just do that – just be a light in a dark world – just care enough to make a difference – just share our joy – just serve our Lord – then the ONE who is PERFECT would be glorified!



Jesus, can you hear ME?


It's My Turn