Not Our Ways

Not Our Ways
Not Our Ways

Not Our Ways

We have heard that many times, haven’t we?  His ways are not our ways.  We say it.  We talk about it.  We quote it.  We think we know it and understand it.  But do we?  Do we really?  As Christians we are called to be Christ-like.  Daily we should be pursuing to grow and change and become more and more like Jesus.  But are we?  How can we tell?  How can we know if we are beginning to resemble someone who is seeking to be like Christ?  Isaiah 55: 8-9 says:

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

His Ways

Our pastor challenged us recently to go through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and only read the red words – Jesus’ words.  Should you decide to do this - it won’t take you very many scriptures to discover He is different.  He is good.  He is perfect.  He talks about being humble, being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.  He tells us to let our light shine before men.  He warns us against being angry and calling others a fool; tells us not to lust or commit adultery; to go the second mile; to love our enemies; and to do good.  He teaches us how to pray; how to manage our money and how to be full of faith instead of full of worry.  He tells us to seek Him first!  He commands us to not judge others; to do unto others as we would have them to do unto us; to walk the narrow way and to build our life on the Rock!  WOW!  And that’s just in the first 7 chapters of Matthew.  So do you see…His ways are not our ways?  

Our Ways

As I read through these words I became convicted, convinced, committed that I have some changing to do.  We, as humans, are emotional creatures.  We just simply don’t think and process things correctly.  We see our life and our circumstances through self-centered eyes.  We think and view things with our feelings – which are not based on facts and certainly not the way Jesus views things.  Many of our comments and thoughts begin with “I feel” and “I think”.  Well, the truth is it doesn’t really matter how we feel or what we think, does it?  That sounds harsh, I know.  I don't mean to be harsh - but we place way too much value on our feelings.  What truly matters is that we are applying the Biblical principles that Jesus teaches us through His word.   

What Are We to Do?

Well, now that we have acknowledged that our ways are not His ways – we know we need to change.   Ephesians 4:22-24 (NLT) says:

“throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy.”

Ready to put on your new nature?  Let’s do this!!!  Let’s be NEW!  Let’s be different!!  Let’s be more and more like Christ as we begin this brand new year.  No more being corrupted by deception – believing that it’s all about me and how I feel.  Instead, let’s accept that our purpose is so much bigger than that.  We have been called to love, called to serve, called to let our light shine and share our Savior with others.  Let’s begin to love with His love.  Let’s serve like He served.  Let’s seek Him first and set our sights on becoming more and more like Him.

I am committed!  Are you?

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