Treasure Beyond Measure

Treasure Beyond Measure
Treasure Beyond Measure

Treasure Beyond Measure

There is a church up on a hill near my house that I pass by many times a week.  Most of the time I am rushing past with my mind preoccupied with too many things to count.Yet this week as I hurried by, the church’s sign caught my eye.As I read the words, I immediately began to thank God.It really made me stop and think – really think.The sign reads, “Family and friends are a treasure beyond measure.”That is so true.

Family and friends truly are a treasure beyond measure – yet we often take them for granted.  It is the ones we love the deepest that can frustrate us the most.We often expect their love and support and forget to count it as a blessing.So, let’s make a list.Who are the people in our lives that are a treasure beyond measure?We should tell them how grateful we are God has blessed our life with them.List those who make a difference in your life.Add the ones who make you laugh out loud and the ones who hug the best.Don’t forget to name the ones who loved you when you were at your worst.Keep adding names throughout the day – thanking God for each one.Each one on this list is truly a treasure.

Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times.”

Making this list may give you pause as you remember the family member or the friends who have let you down.  That hurts, doesn’t it?We have all had people who we have loved – who just have not loved us back.We think everything is going fine.We think we have a good relationship until we fail to meet their expectation or fail to perform as they desire.Then we realize the relationship was not what we had hoped.We all understand that pain.But we do not want to get stuck here dwelling on lost relationships.God is so good and has given us treasure beyond measure – so our attitude about our relationships should be one of gratitude.Each and every true relationship is a gift.

Even if our list of family and friends is not as long as we wished – we can all top off our list by adding the name of the best friend ever!  Jesus is our friend.You see, He is the only one we can count on to never leave us, never forsake us.He will not criticize or condemn.He loves us unconditionally and leads us along the right paths.He gave His life for us.He speaks our love language and can fill up our love tank.

In John 15:13-15 Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends.  You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.”

Yes!!! We have treasure beyond measure!  We have the BEST friend of all best friends!We are RICH because of our relationship with Him.We can all get to know Him better, serve Him more, love Him deeper.We can learn to be a friend to Him.

Let’s do this… we should take time to thank Jesus for being our friend.  He loved us when we were not lovable and before we loved Him.He is so good and we should be so thankful for Him.Also, He has blessed us with family and friends.Be sure to thank Him for each one.And lastly, let’s make the time to let each person on our list know that we are thankful for them and count them as treasure beyond measure.

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My Feelings are Hurt


Grateful for Grace