Un-Spoiling a Child
Un-Spoiling a Child

Un-Spoiling a Child

Once a child has become spoiled and is accustomed to doing things his way, it will take suffering the consequences of his disobedience to bring about change in him.  Limits, boundaries and expectations need to be set.It may mean that he will have to endure periods of difficulty.He may cry and scream out because things are not going his way.He may teeter between submitting to authority and reacting in total rebellion.He may seem miserable.However, once he comes to understand that his way is not the best way for him – there will be a change, a turning point.The reality is that embracing obedience will offer him freedom.It will offer him peace.It will restore joy in his life.Now is a great time to begin the process of un-spoiling a child.

Granted, un-spoiling a child will not be fun.  But remember – it will be worth it.You may feel a little fearful and anxious about this, so place post it notes around the house reminding yourself that “It IS WORTH it!!!”And it will be.But in case you think I am talking about your little children – please know that I am not.I am referring to God’s children.Shame on us!We have become so focused on our self that we behave like a spoiled child.We exceed limits and cross boundaries.We cry out and scream at God when things are not going our way.We teeter back and forth between being religious one day and rebellious the next.We meditate on our misery.We gravitate away from gratitude.We are self-absorbed and so much more. Help!!We need a turning point!

By committing to lay down our spoiled child mentality; by giving up our determination to do things our way; and by embracing that our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us – we will be on your way to  experiencing the freedom obedience can bring. Yes, obedience to God brings about freedom, peace and joy – unspeakable joy in our lives.We want that.We need that.It is time for that.

The opposite of a spoiled child is an obedient child.  I want to be an obedient child – do you?But we need to be honest with ourselves.We need to take a long hard look at our lives and at our heart.Do our actions reflect obedience to God?Do our thoughts reflect obedience to God?Does our heart reflect obedience to God?Be careful here.It is really easy to lie to ourselves and take the easy way out.Like a spoiled child – it is easier to live in denial than to acknowledge that we need to change.But the truth is…if we are not ever-changing, continually growing in our relationship with Christ – then we are not walking in obedience.

I found a note in my Bible on the page with Hebrews chapter 4.  The note reads, “I must be obedient and rest in God if I am to find my Promised Land here on earth.”WOW!We can have everything we truly crave and desire – love, joy, peace, freedom, happiness, security, acceptance, hope, contentment and more – if we will lay down our spoiled self-centered ways and walk in obedience to God.God’s word is our life plan.It is our instruction book.It is everything we need to know.Now, all we need to do is apply it in our lives.In Hebrews 4, I found three things we can apply today to un-spoil a child and embrace obedience:

  1. We are to rest in God.  verse 11 says, “Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.”  God has commanded us to rest.  We are to rest on the Sabbath and keep it holy.  We are to rest in Him.  We are to rest in assurance of who He is.  We are to rest in His word.  We are to rest on His promises.  We are to rest.  That is not something we automatically do.  We need to be diligent in learning to rest (trust, commit, rely – no worrying, no fretting, no questioning) in God.  If not, we will fall in disobedience.
  2. We are to apply God’s word in our lives.  Verse 12 tells us, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  There is no debate when it comes to God’s word.  If the Bible says it – it is truth.  Like a sword, it will penetrate our innermost parts.  It will show us what we need to cut out of our lives.  It will reveal the condition of our hearts.  Are we walking in obedience to God’s word?  If not – we will no doubt suffer the consequences.  Just like a spoiled child – if we would just obey our Father, our life would be richer and better.
  3. We are to heed God’s call.  Verse 16 says, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”  God has called us to “come”.  How awesome is that?  We can come before the Creator of the Universe.  We can come before our Heavenly Father.  We can boldly come to the throne of grace…His amazing grace…where we will find mercy and forgiveness.  And then what does it say?  It says that He will help us in our time of need.  Well, this is a time of need.  We need God’s help so we can walk in obedience to Him.

I am ready to begin un-spoiling a child.  I am ready to un-spoil this child.I am ready to walk in obedience to God and to find my Promised Land.Are you with me?Let’s pray this prayer together, “God, we boldly come before you today.Lord, please help us to find rest in You.We love You and know that Your way is the best way for us to live.We ask you to help us make time to spend in Your Word.We ask that it would penetrate our hearts and reveal what we need to cut out of our lives.We pray that we would learn to put You first and foremost in our lives as we walk in obedience to You.We need help, Lord.We need You, Lord.This we ask in Your Most Precious and Gracious Name, Amen.”

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