Do I Matter?

Do I matter_
Do I matter_

Do I Matter?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Do I matter”? Have you ever wondered why you are even here? I certainly have. Why is it so easy for us to see value in others – but so hard to find worth or value in ourselves?

Our perception of who we are is distorted and not based on any truth whatsoever. The Evil One is sly and somehow finds his way to our ear without us even realizing it. Then he hisses, “Failure”; “Worthless”; “Stupid”; “Inadequate”; and on and on and on. He knows our weak spots – and we allow these whispers to take hold in our thought life.

Why don’t we accept the truth? Why don’t we claim it and believe it? The Bible tells us that we are made in God’s image. We are His beloved. He loves us. Our worth and our value have been instilled in us by our creator. The great news is there is nothing we can do to diminish that. So, that means all of our past mistakes, all of our failures, all of the terrible things that have happened to us; all of the long and hard roads we have walked have NOT lessened our value – not one little bit. Those things don’t define us! Didn’t you love in the movie “The Help” when Kathryn Stockett whispered in the baby’s ear “You is kind.” You is smart. You is important.” Oh, that tugged at our heart because we truly want everyone to believe that. But guess what – we need to believe that, too!

YOU – yes, I am talking about You- the one reading this post – YOU are kind! You are kind and you are good.   You are good enough! You do good things. Oh yes, I know – you don’t always think good thoughts – you don’t always act so good – you slip and lose your temper or become selfish - but it’s okay. Believe that God has instilled goodness, worth and value in you and do good.

YOU – yes, you – you are smart. You are. You know that all of those negative thoughts are NOT true. You know it. Stop thinking such hurtful things about yourself. Philippians 4:8 says, “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.” Meditate today on all that is praiseworthy about YOU and the ONE who is praiseworthy in you.

And lastly, YOU are so important! Yes mam, I mean YOU –YOU MATTER! You were created with a purpose – a purpose no one else can fulfill. You have strengths and talents. You are unique. There is no one like you. Don’t try to be like someone else. Don’t compare yourself to others. Let’s all decide today that we will be the best “ME” we can be. Psalm 139:14 says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” In Jeremiah 31:4 God says, “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.” And in Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us “For I know the plans I have for you,…” God has a plan for each of our lives. He desires to use each of us. God truly wants to use YOU! Will you let Him?

My prayer for you today is that you will accept the truth that you are His beloved. You are good. You are smart. You are important!   No more asking, “Do I matter?” YOU MATTER – oh yes, you do!

Above is one of my very first blog posts. I remember writing it and the theme was one I was passionate about sharing. I still am. I want everyone to know they have value! But it also was something I was still struggling with at the time. I was trying to find worth in myself. I would go through the list in my head of the good things about me. I would comfort myself by confirming the good outweighed the bad. Do you ever do that? Be honest. God has shown me so much. There is still so much to be seen, understood, grasped, etc. One thing I know for sure - God is bigger, greater, more powerful, more loving, kinder, and more awesome than we can even comprehend. We are created in His image. We are created with value. We are created with purpose. We are created to be a part of His ultimate plan.

We have value. We have worth. We have purpose. It has been there the whole time. Our value, worth and purpose has nothing to do with what we do. It has everything to do with the One who breathed life into us. May we all accept that. May we treat ourselves with value and as it we have worth. May we grow to become who God has created us to be. You see, I finally get it. I am not supposed to be like her or like him. I am supposed to be like me. God made me me and that is good enough. God does not want to make me someone other than Pam. He just wants Pam to know Him more, love Him more, and to walk closer and closer with Him. That is what he longs for from you, too!

Our worth and our value is so great that the Bible tells us in Romans 5:8 “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. He didn’t endure torment, hang on the cross and die for the beautiful people who were great do-gooders. No. He died for the lost, for the wretched, for the very ones who were hammering nails into His hands. If God loved us and saw value in us when we were helpless and ungodly - how much more will He love us now that we are His children? The only true authority on our self-worth is Jesus and since He gave His life for us – we must be pretty valuable. He knows everything – so He must be able to see our worth – even when we cannot.

So, ask yourself, “Do I matter?” Now answer yourself, “Yes! Yes I matter! I matter to the One who matters. I am His beloved, His Masterpiece, His child. I matter because He matters. I have value. I have worth. I have purpose. “