It's the Little Things That Matter

It's the Little Things That Matter
It's the Little Things That Matter

It's the Little Things That Matter

Today is my granddaughter, Macie's 8th birthday!  How can that be?  I am off to spend the day celebrating her and the precious gift she is in my life.  But before I do, I wanted to share with you this post from 2014.  It's a great reminder that it's the little things that matter.

A couple weeks ago I had the privilege to witness something so simple – yet, oh so beautiful.  I was mesmerized.  I was touched.  I was impacted.  I had not expected to receive such a blessing that day.  I thought I was there to be a blessing – to give of my time – to serve.  But, isn’t it funny that the greatest lessons come when we least expect it.  I sat in silence and realized that we, as flawed humans, place so much emphasis on things that simply don’t matter at all.  We make a BIG deal about things that only last a fleeting moment.  But the truth is – it’s the little things that matter. 

If I am to be honest – I have to admit that I do not have the gift of organization.  No, I truly don’t.  I wish I did.  When I visit friends whose shelves are labeled and cabinets are organized, I am perplexed.  Where do they cram their stuff when they clean their house?  These very odd people say things like, “A place for everything, everything in its place.”  Well, somebody forgot to tell me where that place is.  I did not learn this from my mom – therefore, I did not teach it to my children.  We are all a bit of a mess.  So needless to say, after Christmas comes and goes – trying to get the house back in order and the new items that have been received tucked away is a bit challenging.  Challenging?  Well, honestly – it is monumental for us- a really big deal!!

So, this year I received an urgent text.  “Will you pretty please organize Macie’s room?  PLEASE!!!!!  I will pay you!!!!.”  My daughter was totally overwhelmed and was calling on me for help.  The “I will pay you part” made me chuckle but was proof that she was desperate.  As a mom the only reply would be…well, you know what I said…or texted…”LOL!  Me?  Sure.”  Sure?  Why did I text that?  I have no idea how to organize and make sense of a mess.  So here we are… me, Megan and Macie sitting in the room– all ill-equipped and overwhelmed to get this task done.  Megan of course, excused herself and Macie and I began our assignment.  We created piles – “Keep”, “Give Away”, “Throw Away”.  And we began the slow process of organizing.  It wasn’t very long into this process that we were both over it.  Done.  Overwhelmed.  Frustrated.  Macie – being the intelligent child that she is – said, “MeMe, I need a break!”  I excitedly declared, “Me, too!” and we fled from the room.  

Then it happened.  I grabbed a bottle of water and went to find my girls.  They were in Megan’s bedroom.  They had turned on music and were dancing.  They weren’t speaking.  They were twirling and dancing the way a couple would dance.  I dared not say a word.  I sat on the bed and just watched.  It was such a picture of innocence, of pure love, of a bond so strong very few could understand.  The love and trust between mother and daughter was absolutely beautiful.  There was a sweet smile on Megan’s face as she watched her baby girl twirl and twist and fall into her arms.  As I continued to watch this magical moment, I realized Macie’s room being organized means nothing.  It’s the little things that matter.  THIS MOMENT mattered. 

As I left there that afternoon, I realized that this moment I had witnessed was pleasing to the Lord.  No the room wasn’t in order – but who cares?  That really doesn’t even matter.  What matters is that God reminded me that as great as Megan’s love is for Macie – He loves us so much more – more than we can even imagine.  In Ephesians 4:17-19 the Bible tells us:

“that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height – to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

His love for us is so BIG it is immeasurable!  It is so GREAT that it is beyond our understanding.  The scripture above says that when we accept Christ and are rooted in His great love - we may be filled with all the fullness of God – which is the abundance of gifts that flows from God.  We can experience His peace.  We can experience His unconditional love.  And we can trust Him!  Just as Macie trusted her mom to catch her when she decided she wanted to be dipped – God will catch us when we “dip” and stumble.  He won’t let us hit the floor.  His arms are ready to steady us and put us back on our feet.  He looks down on us as Megan looked at Macie.  His expression is full of joy, full of love, full of acceptance. 

He loves YOU so!!!!  He loves ME so!!!!  He loves us all so much!  We make a big deal out of the things that don’t matter.  The fact that Jesus loves me needs to stop being a little thing – and become the BIGGEST thing in our life.  It is HUGE!!!  It is a BIG DEAL! 

“For God so loved (put your name) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Because of His love, we can have eternal life with Him.  His love – the biggest thing in our life – is what matters! 

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