What is Enough?

What is Enough?

Enough. That is a big word. We struggle to feel as if we are enough – good enough, smart enough, successful enough. We feel we are unworthy, unqualified, unprepared and completely inadequate. We never feel that we are enough. What is enough?

We battle our feelings and our thoughts. We focus on our problems, hurts, and needs. They grow and become so big that we are overwhelmed by them. We do not have enough to get through. We never have enough money, enough friends, enough love, or enough time. We need something. We need more. What is enough?

We claim that we have had enough. We are done. We have had enough hard days, enough heartbreak and enough frustration. We have had enough of those who hurt us. We have had enough worries. We have had enough health issues. We have struggled enough. But…what is enough?

Enough. What is enough? That is a question we can ponder. We can become so fixated on ourselves and the situations in our life that we forget the answer to the question. What is enough? You know the answer, right? But let’s each ask ourselves this question…do we live as if we know what is enough?

Back in January of this year, my granddaughter had the flu and could not attend school. She stayed with me. Yippee! Being a MeMe is such a blessing. I have three beautiful granddaughters and I can never get enough of them. Even when they are not feeling well our time together is so incredibly special. I work and write out of my home. When I work, my granddaughters play work. They have “office stuff” and “writing stuff” so they can do what I do. And of course we take breaks and play and dance and snack on foods that are not nutritious. We make crafts and laugh out loud and sing happy songs at the top of our lungs. They are heaven on earth. (Sorry! Yes, I am one of THOSE grandmothers.) Back to what is enough…

On that cold January day, Macie was not feeling well. No dancing or singing that day. She decided she wanted to write a book. We gathered the supplies and she went to work. I was distracted by a phone call and left her to herself to write. When I came back, she handed me her book. As I opened the cover page, I began to read what my 7 year old granddaughter had written. Tears streamed down my face as her words touched my heart. She knows the answer to what is enough or should I say she know Who is enuph. Here is what she wrote…

What is Enough
What is Enough


What is the most important thang in your life?

Is it Barbys, family, your dog, cat?

But…what about Him…you know…Jesus!

Here is a sekret, He is enuph!!!!

He loves you. You might not think so but…His love is enones. (enormous)

You can’t emagen.

WOW! That’s it. That is our answer. Whenever we ponder what is enough, we can boldly proclaim…Jesus is enough! He is all we need. He is everything we need.

Do you know Him? Do you really know Him? It is my prayer that you have accepted Him as your Savior. It is not enough to just believe He exists. Believing He is real does not mean we are saved. After all, Satan believes in Jesus. To “believe” means to accept Jesus as our Savior, to make the decision to die to our self and to live our life for Him. He is the answer. He is everything. He is enough. One more day – is one day too many to go through this crazy life apart from Him. (If you are not sure you know Him, reach out to me – I would love to talk to you about Him.)

John 3:16 tells us that, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

As your Savior, please don’t settle for Jesus being just a casual acquaintance. He is meant to be your best friend…your everything. Spend time with Him - lots and lots of time. As with any relationship – it takes time to grow. Jesus is fully committed to us. He has proven it. We are the ones who need to fully commit to Him. Get to know who Jesus is and what He is all about. He is enough!

Because He is alive in us – we are enough. Jesus loves us right where we are. He loved and He died for us before we loved Him. He has everything we need and as we get to know Him, He will transform us into who we were created to be. We have purpose. We have significance. We are His and He is ours.

Whenever we are hurt, tired, frustrated, scared or broken, He is enough to comfort us and care for us. He is all we need. He is enough. He says…

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

When we have had enough – He is enough. He is all we need, y’all. Why do we not live like we know this to be true? He is it! He is all we need. Even if we lost everything – we would have all we need because no one can take our Jesus away. In Philippians 3:7-10 Paul says,

“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”

Whenever you wonder, “What is enough?” – it my prayer you will remember sweet Macie’s words…

“Jesus is Enuph!”

***Jesus Matters. Our relationship with Him matters. Let’s figure this out and stay focused together. Read the last post “What Matters” and let me hear from you! http://masterwhatmatters.org/2015/08/13/what-matters/#sthash.UDz7Oxx3.dpbs


My Mountain


What Matters