Great is Your Faithfulness

Great Is Your Faithfulness
Great Is Your Faithfulness

Great is Your Faithfulness

It is the day before Thanksgiving and while my heart is thankful, so thankful for all of my many blessings – there is also heartache. I have friends who are suffering great loss and experiencing hardships I cannot even imagine. I am sure you can relate. No matter how blessed and how thankful we are – there are difficult situations, broken relationships, craziness in this fallen world and uncertainties all around us. It is the beginning of the holiday season. This is a time for family and friends to gather together. However, for those who are alone and for those who have lost loved ones – this time of year can feel anything other than blessed. I wish there were words I could speak to comfort those I love or fixes I could put into action...but I am helpless. All I can offer is the one thing I am certain of – God is good and He is faithful! Oh God, great is your faithfulness!

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, therefore I hope in Him! Lamentations 3:22-24

It is so easy for us to forget that God loves our loved ones even more than we do. God has compassion and is merciful and cares for us as we walk hard paths. He is true to His word and fulfills His promises in our life. And even though we may feel all alone – He is with us. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Great is Your faithfulness, Oh God!

The scripture above says, “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed…”. However, sometimes it may feel that our heartbreak is all consuming. We may feel devoured by our grief or by our despair – leaving us feeling isolated and hopeless. But when we lift our eyes to the One who has proven Himself to be comforting and compassionate, full of grace and truth – we find hope. Hope is not a wishful thought. Hope is a confident expectation. And while we do not understand – we can rest in the truth that God will supply every need (Philippians 4:19) and will work things together for our good (Romans 8:28). Oh God, we come to You for comfort. Great is Your faithfulness!

No matter what is happening in our life – one thing I know for sure – God is faithful and He is enough to see us through. He is not surprised when calamity strikes. He is already there waiting to catch us, comfort us and carry us in His loving arms.

While these words may ring hollow in the midst of anguish – they are true. If you find yourself there today or sometime in the future – my prayer for you is that you will feel God’s presence like never before. I pray you will feel His arms embrace you and know that you are loved with an unfailing and everlasting love. He is enough to see you through. One more time…Great is Your Faithfulness! All I have needed your hand has provided. Great is Your Faithfulness!

If you need prayer – please share how we can pray for you. If you are willing to spend time is prayer for those enduring a difficult time right now – please comment below. We are united through our love for our Savior – let’s embrace one another and lift one another up in prayer.

Much love to you all – Pam


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