Jesus is the Reason
Jesus is the Reason
Maybe you love the Christmas season and all the hoopla it encompasses – decorating, shopping, fellowshipping and celebrating. Or, maybe you don’t. Whether this is a very happy time or a very difficult time, we all have something bigger, something better, something worthy of our joy and our praise. Jesus is the Reason for the season. Cliché, I know – but let’s talk about it.
Instead of allowing our focus to be on the stress caused by all the busyness, instead of focusing on our excitement for Santa, or our loneliness or maybe even our sadness - let’s look up and celebrate the greatest gift that has ever been given. Christmas is not about family or presents or food. Christmastime is a time to celebrate the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and to reflect on what He has done for us. Jesus is the reason we celebrate.
We celebrate because love came down… God sent His son… Jesus left His throne... It is hard to imagine and wrap our mind around it all sometimes. Jesus, the Son of God, entered the confines of a virgin’s body and was born in a stable. He lived on this fallen earth for 33 years – ministering, being doubted, performing miracles, leaving us an example, being persecuted, tormented and crucified. He gave His life so that we might have ours, have life more abundantly and the hope of eternity spent in heaven with Him. Our inability to comprehend and truly understand it all, does not diminish the truth, the facts, the reality of what has been done for us, given to us. Jesus is the reason for EVERY season.
Whether our Christmas tree is elaborate or tiny, let’s choose to pause each time it catches our gaze and think about the tree that gave us His presence – the cross. God sent His son so that sin would no longer separate us and we could have relationship with Him. When Jesus was crucified, our debt was paid, the veil was torn - we can now enter into His presence. From the cradle to the cross, Jesus is the reason we have the hope of eternal life.
As we shop for gifts, open gifts or fret because of the lack of gifts, let’s pause and reflect on the greatest gift we have ever received. Let’s remember how God saved us, when we accepted Jesus as our Savior, and reflect on how that has changed our life. Let’s acknowledge that everything we have is from Him – every breath we take, every bite we eat, every relationship we experience – all gifts come from above. Jesus is the reason we should be filled with gratitude – and so much so that we share that great gift with those we love.
As we drive down the road and see the lights all around, let’s remember the Light of the World is alive inside of us! Let’s praise Him and His Holy Name for who He is and all that He has done. We can live knowing that we are loved with an everlasting love, that we are never alone, and that we are filled with purpose! Our brokenness allows that light to shine through us so that others might see Him alive in us. We all have a reason to celebrate and His name is Jesus!
When you start to clear the clutter, toss out the empty boxes, rinse the empty bowls and put away the tree - reflect on the empty tomb and what that means for you. Jesus is alive and He has returned to His proper place on High. He said, “And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:3) Jesus is the reason – the reason for this season, the reason we celebrate, the reason we have hope. He is the reason for every season, the reason for everything! Rejoice!
“For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
Jesus, today and every day of our lives may we be filled with the wonder of it all! Lord, help us to stay amazed by the miracle that has been done for us, the hope we have been offered and the enormity of the gift you have given. Help us to become more like you, to lay down our own life as you have done, and to surrender our way so that we can walk in obedience to God’s Word. We are in awe of You as we celebrate Your birth and reflect on who You are and what You have done. Thank you, Jesus! Thank You! We love you and we praise You! This Christmas we acknowledge that You are the reason for every season! It’s all about you, Lord. It’s all about You! We celebrate You!
A Note from Pam:
Merry Christmas to you! If you are not sure you have received this greatest gift that has ever been given - can we chat? Email me at and let's talk about it. You can also visit, go to the Freebies tab and download the scriptures that explain the plan of salvation. My prayer is that you have received the gift of salvation, that you know that you know that Jesus is alive in you and that you will share this precious gift with others. That is what a Merry Christmas is all about! Love to you all!