The In Between

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The In Between         


We are in the in-between – our Christmas trees are still up, but the New Year is just days away. The past hasn’t gone, but the new hasn’t come yet. So, here we are stuck in the in-between. Most of us, if we are honest, would have to admit we live that way – stuck in the in-between. We live as if we believe in Jesus, but not as if we are sold out believers - we live in the in-between.


This week is a good week to reflect. Where are you? What is your relationship status with Jesus?  Is He someone you admire and love from a distance or are you up-close intimate friends? Hmmm, are you stuck in the in-between? You know Him and accept Him as your Savior, but do you live for Him? Have you laid down your life yet? Have you crucified your flesh so that it is Him who is alive in you? Have you surrendered your all to Him the way He surrendered His life for you? It is time to get out of the in-between and embrace who Jesus is, wrap your mind around what He has done and get to know Him like never before.


“He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” John 14:21


To break free from the in-between, as God calls the lukewarm status, and set our love for Jesus ablaze, we must invest our time in this precious relationship. He deserves more than a 15 minute devo 3 or 4 times a week, don’t you agree? “Intimacy takes time to develop and requires two invested parties. The only way our relationship with Jesus can grow to this deep place is if we prove we aren’t just enjoying His commitment to us, but we are showing up committed to Him.” (excerpt from Saved by Grace, Now What?)


In my book, Saved by Grace, Now What? there is a chapter about becoming like Christ. In the in-between we may act or look like we are living for Him, but what matters is, are we becoming like Him? “When we choose to become like Him, we are set free! For the first time in our lives we are free from guilt and shame, free from the need to gain approval of others, free to become who we have been created to be, and free to become alive in Him. We stop striving and start surrendering our life to Christ who surrendered His life for us. Then and only then can we experience joy no matter our circumstances.


To become like Christ, we must surrender our ALL. We must surrender our pride, our position, our feelings, our attitude, our strongholds, and even our insecurities. Those are all part of our sinful nature and they are to be crucified with Christ. We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Just as Jesus was sacrificed for us, we are to sacrifice our worldly selves for Him.” I don’t know about you, but I no longer want to worry about how I appear, I just want to be – to become more and more like Him by getting to know Him more and more every day.


Who is in? Who wants to know Jesus more and more every day? Who is ready to become who Jesus is calling you to be? Well, join us for some relationship building. Beginning in January, Master What Matters is going to focus on Relationship Building! It is our relationship with Jesus that matters the most! So each month, we will have a focus or a theme and we will dwell there in our blog posts, our graphics, our conversations, you name it. Then once a month, a Gathering of Girlfriends will go LIVE on Facebook to have some honest conversation about that month’s topic. (Videos will be uploaded to YouTube.) Join us! Let's allow Jesus to set out heart ablaze! To make sure you don’t miss out…

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We are breaking free of the in-between! Jesus be the center – the center of our thoughts, the center or our days, the center of our marriage, the center of our family, the center or our life, the center or our purpose – Jesus be the center! Jesus – set our hearts ablaze for You! Use us Jesus, to inspire others to know You and love You! We want to be close to You – in a deep intimate way, Jesus! Nothing compares to You! You are everything we have ever wanted and everything we need! Thank you, Jesus!

A message from Pam:

Let's hold hands and get to know Jesus more! Join us! 2018 is going to be the year we surrendered our lives and became who God has been calling us to be! Jesus! It's all about Jesus! Jesus is real! Let's spread the word! Click here!

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