Ever Wonder What Really Matters

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Ever Wonder What Really Matters?


Do you ever struggle? Do you feel overwhelmed by the busyness of your life? Do you wake up running and collapse at night frustrated because you were not able to get it all done? There is so much noise. Do you hear it? So much noise from all that is competing for our attention. We wear so many hats and try desperately to keep them all perched perfectly atop our head. We work, we strive, we hope, we worry, and we fret. We fret because we want to do and be what is expected of us. With all that is going on around you, do you ever wonder what really matters?


Does it matter if we live up to the expectations that are placed on us?


Does it matter if we please the people in our life?


Does it matter if we earn some level of significance?


What is it that matters? What should be the driving force of our life – our focus, our actions, our thoughts? Yes, all good Christian girls would say, “God”.


We mean it in our hearts when we say it, but do we live it?


And if we are not living it, how in the world do we start to live it? If God is what matters most, then how do I live as if He is what matters most to me? What are we to do?


We always want a list of To Do’s, don’t we? How do we get from here to there? What is my goal? How long should it take? Is it worth my time? In my opinion, does the list include what I should be doing?


Do you see the theme? We make it all about ‘me’.


Living as if God matters means doing what Jesus showed us how to do. We are to surrender our life as a living sacrifice. We are to lay ourselves down. We are to proclaim...


“I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Galatians 2:20 CSB


Our life is to no longer to be about ‘me’ – who I am, what I am doing, my hopes, my dreams, my feelings and my opinions. Life has nothing to do with ‘my’ happiness. When we live as if God is what matters most, then our life becomes all about Him – who He is, what He has done, His hopes for me, His dreams for me and my life, and is based on the truth of His word. My life becomes all about living to please my Heavenly Father.


When God matters most, my life ceases to be about striving to reach my goals and becomes about surrendering to His plan for my life. 

A Word From Pam:

What matters most to you? Can we stop focusing on and worrying about all the things that don't matter and instead start focusing on what truly matters most? Let's exalt God to His proper place and put Him and our personal relationship with Jesus first and foremost in our life. We can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit that God so graciously gifted to us. Who is in? 

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Do you know Jesus? If you just aren't sure, download the Plan of Salvation and read through the scriptures. I would love to chat with you about it. Feel free to reach out to me. 


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