Time Alone with God

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Time Alone with God


God desires alone time with us. Do we desire to be alone with Him or are we just too busy?  And when we do get a few minutes - do we collapse and watch mindless television, text with friends and scroll social media or run sit at His feet? For those of us who know Jesus, we are not of this world but we sure live like we are most days, don’t we? So, I have a question for you. Do you spend time alone with God? I am not asking if you read a devotional or the scripture of the day. I am asking, do you spend time alone with God?


We live with our mate, but must make it a priority to spend time together if it is to happen. We love our friends, but must schedule a date to spend time together. We sit next to people at work every day. We are together, but are we present with them? The same is true for our relationship with God. Spending time alone with Him must become a priority, must be scheduled and we must choose to be present.


We were created to be relational and the Creator of the Universe desires to have a relationship with us. It is why He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sin – so we could be reconciled to Him. He is pursuing us. Have you noticed? He is calling us to transform from the inside out, and that can only take place as we grow to know Jesus more and more personally.(1) It seems odd, really. Can we truly spend time with God Himself?


We start out practicing religion – just going through the motions – doing what we believe we are supposed to do. If we are not careful, we will stay stuck right there. But there is more… so much more. As we read God’s word, we see example after example of Jesus withdrawing to spend time alone with God. It is His example that we as Christians are to follow. Jesus got up early and prayed, (Mark 1:35) He prayed in the evening, (Matthew 14:23) and He spent the night praying to God. (Luke 6:12) He even gave us an example of how to pray. (Matthew 6:9-13) (1)


As a Christian, we need to understand why we should pray and talk with God. First, we are commanded to pray throughout scripture, therefore it is an act of obedience. We are told to be faithful in prayer, (Romans 12:12) to pray for those who persecute you, (Matthew 5:44) by prayer… make your requests know to God, (Philippians 4:6) to devote yourselves to prayer, (Colossians 4:2) and on and on. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 we read, “Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Scripture teaches us that Jesus prayed for others, prayed prayers of thanksgiving, prayed when He was troubled, called out to God in His time of need and prayed without ceasing, trusting God to hear His prayers. (1)


Spending time alone with God is vital if we are to live the abundant life that Jesus came to offer us. What a pity it will be if we miss out on the depth of intimacy we can experience now, today – even before we enter heaven. Times a wasting. Commit time to spend with God daily so that you can abide in His Son. Make it a priority, schedule it daily and be present with Him as if sitting with a friend. He will be there, what about you? Before you know it, you will realize your relationship with Him is changing… growing. As you grow to know Him more, you love Him more and you desire more time with Him.

Can I ask you a question? Do you spend time alone with God?



1 - Quotes taken from Saved by Grace, Now What? Available in the Marketplace at www.pampegram.com

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Do you know Jesus? If there is any question, download the Plan of Salvation and read through the scriptures. I would love to chat with you about it. Feel free to reach out to me.


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