He Will Quiet You with His Love

He Will Quiet You with His Love


It’s the month of love! We focus on love letters, gifts and special dinners; yet, somehow there is still something missing. We think others are loved more than us. We long for the kind of love we think others have. Yet – here in the middle of our great chaos – we can experience the most intense, complete and satisfying love that is more than we have ever even dared to imagine.


“The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

Zephaniah 3:17


Read that again and let it soak in just a bit. The Lord your God, the Creator of the Universe, your heavenly Father is in your midst. He is here, right now, with you because He loves you enough to show up. You just whisper His name – “God, I need you now.” Let everything else go. Open your hands, be quiet and whisper. He hears you and He loves you with an everlasting love.


He rejoices over you with gladness and with singing. Some scholars tell us this means “with a shout of joy”. Can you imagine? If we back up a little, we read in verse 14-15: “Sing, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart. O daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has taken away your judgments, He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; You shall see disaster no more.”So, this passage begins with the people singing praise to their heavenly Father and ends with God singing over His people. 


Why is God joyful? This emotion that our heavenly Father is showing to us comes from His deep love for us and the fact that He knows we will be together forevermore. The only example I know is when I am with my children and grandchildren; the joy I feel is overwhelming! They make my heart happy. And when I know we are allgoing to be together, my heart leaps for joy. And when one of my grandchildren starts singing, “It’s the best day ever, when we’re together!” it is almost more that I can take. I am no scholar, but I think that is a great illustration of how God feels. When we sing His praises, He rejoices and sings over us. 


But what about the phrase, He will quiet you with His love? Imagine your child or grandchild running to you with any scrape, with their hurt feelings or with their complete devastation. You open your arms and envelope them completely. As they sob, you whisper, “Shhh, shhh, shhh.” You comfort them; tell them it is all going to be okay; and remind them of the truth and what matters most. Oh, sweet friend, that is what our precious heavenly Father does for us. He holds us, covers us with His strong arms, and protects us. He comforts us and reminds us that He has us. He points us to the truth and reminds us what our life is really all about.   


Today, let’s let the love of our heavenly Father quiet us and bring us rest and peace. He has us today and will come for us soon. Until then, we can live knowing that we are loved – loved more than we can imagine or comprehend.  

Are you struggling instead of resting right now? We all have those times. I would love to connect and see if we discover what is blocking you from entering into His rest and His peace.

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