Stuck is Yuck
Stuck is Yuck
Who can relate to feeling stuck? It is terrible! I mean, we aren’t supposed to feel this way. We are believers. Being stuck is for those who don’t know Him and haven’t discovered that He is their hope. Stuck is for those who have nowhere to run when things go awry. Stuck is for others, not for me - but stuck is where I found myself last year. Have you found yourself there? Stuck is yuck.
We know how to cover it up, how to push through - doing what we are supposed to do (somewhat) and how to go on as if we are not stuck at all. So many good things are happening in our life – we see them. We have people who love us, a place to sleep and food in our belly. We are thankful. Yet… we wallow in disappointment, frustration, hurt feelings, and despair. Conversations, critical words and even our own assumptions play over and over in our mind. And even after we tuck them away, Satan whispers and we start the cycle all over again. We feel defeated, distracted and disconnected.
Can God use our stuckness? (Yes, I made that word up.) Do you think He can use this? Stuck is when you are bogged down in the mire – stuck, not moving forward, just spinning your wheels. It is when you know you need to move forward, but each time you do – you seem to slide right back into that pothole, where Satan whispers and the thoughts start slinging mud on you all over again. Yet, in Romans 8:28, God promises to use all things for good in our life – even this. We just have to get on the other side of it before we can see His faithfulness.
How do we move on?
Once we recognize we are stuck, what is the next step? Well, it’s really not a step at all, it is simply a choice. We all know the scripture, but do we know what it means or how to apply it?
Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)
To be still we have to stop, become quiet, and squelch the swirling thoughts. (Most of us will have to do this on a regular basis. This is a great reason to spend time in the word and alone with God every single day. If you are feeling stuck – do NOT miss a day. Fight to find time to be still and alone with Him.)
God’s word tells us to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). Why? Well, because our actions reveal our thoughts. We cannot be moving forward and dwelling on the past at the same time. It is also impossible to be focused on our feelings and our faith at the same time. (That’ll preach!) We are to think on what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8)
Shift your mindset. Our life is not to be all about me – yet, our thoughts go there so easily. We dwell on our circumstances, our pain, and our desires. The Bible teaches that our life is to be about bringing honor and glory to God as we point others to the hope that is found in a relationship with Jesus.
We are to know that He is God. We think, well, of course I know that. But… do we live like we know that? Do we live as if God is exalted to the highest place, that He is what is most important and always comes first? AW Tozer said, “When God is exalted to His proper place in our lives, a thousand problems are solved all at once.” Truth!
How do we exalt Him to His proper place? Well, it all starts with worship. You see, when we worship Him, we are reminded of who He is – our Creator, our Ruler, the King of Kings, our Father, God Almighty. Worship reveals to us just how BIG He is and just how small we and our problems really are. It gives us proper perspective.
I hope these words help you shake off that feeling of stuckness. God has more for you and I want to be an encouragement to you as you step into the abundant life He came to offer you. We have an adversary, so there is sure to be a fight. But… there is nothing better than stepping into the fullness of surrender to the One who came to set us free.
Stay tuned and invite your friends to join us as we continue the conversation about being stuck. See you next week. ;-)
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