Step 2 - Becoming More Like Christ

Step 2 - Becoming more like Christ.png

Step 2 – Becoming More Like Christ


We are so busy and distracted from what matters most, aren’t we? It is so easy for 24 hours to fly by and us not be able to find 30 minutes to just sit with Jesus. There is simply no way to become more like Him, if we don’t take time to get to know Him more. Our first step (check out the post about Step 1.) to becoming more and more like Jesus is growing in our knowledge and understanding of who He is. For many of us – that is where we are stuck. We know all about Him and what He has done. We have a surface level relationship, because that is the depth of our knowledge. But, God has invited us into His Word so that we can gain a deep understanding and actually experience an intimate relationship with our Savior.


Step 2…

This step is vital and makes all the difference in the world. We are not longing for head knowledge so that we can know more than others. No… our goal is to know Him more and more until we know Him as we are known. Can you imagine? Therefore, our next step is –


Open our heart. Our knowledge must impact our hearts.

Head knowledge alone will not change us or grow us. But it is our heart that convicts us and gives us the desire to obey God’s word.


Do you remember when you fell in love? Oh my, how silly we can act. We become so excited about spending time with the one we love. We want to know everything about them. We ask questions and listen intently to every story they tell. We notice their mannerisms and quirks and all the things that make them who they are. We are seeking to know them. 


In Matthew 22:37, Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”. Our heart, soul and mind represent all of us – our whole person. This is devotion. When we open our heart and let this knowledge enter in, when we recognize how desperately we need Jesus, when we realize what He has truly done and once we understand who He actually is – we will grow to be desperately devoted to Him. We will fall madly in love with Him – wanting to know everything about Him, listening intently to the parables He has told, and seeking to know Him more and more. 


It all starts with our head knowledge seeping deep into our heart. You see, it is not about what we do – our devotional, attend church, behave nicely. It is about why we do those things. God sees and He knows the condition of our heart. If we are trying to gain something or prove ourselves worthy – then it is all for nothing – because that is evil (pride, self-centeredness). If our heart is devoted to Jesus and longs to know Jesus more, then God promises that we will. 


“And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” 

Jeremiah 29:13


Maybe you are reading this and you aren’t sure how to let your head knowledge seep into your heart. Maybe you are going through the motions, but you want more of what God has for you. Then let’s go back to where we started. (Want more? Plan of Salvation.)

·      Recognize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior. Our best is but filthy rags and could never earn us the right to be face to face with God. We deserve hell. If it weren’t for Jesus – that is where we would be headed – straight to hell for all eternity. 

·      Repent. See yourself standing on the edge of hell and cry out to God and ask for forgiveness. Sit here a while if need be. We can’t apologize if we are not sorry. Tell God about your hollow heart, your selfishness, your pride and ask Him to forgive you. He will. Sin separates us from God. Repentance restores us to Him.

·      Rejoice! Rejoice because the blood that Jesus shed has covered your sin, washed you white as snow. Rejoice, shout, praise His Holy Name! Because of Jesus, we have the Hope of Heaven. We can enter into His presence and know His promises are ours!!! Hallelujah!


Fall in love with Jesus! He is your soulmate. And one day He is going to burst out of the clouds on a white stallion and take you home with Him. Oh what a glorious day that will be!

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