His Way is Greater than Our Way
His Way is Greater than Our Way
He > I Series Part 1 of 5
He is greater than i. We say we believe it, but does our life reflect it? Let’s revisit a 5-part series where we will discuss His way, His thoughts, His path for us and His faithfulness. Let’s make 2021 the year that we truly decide He is GREATER than i. (Video at bottom of post.)
He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30
His Way > My Way
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9
If asked the question, “Do you think you are higher than God?” We would firmly answer, “Absolutely NOT!” We would profess that we know that God is the highest supreme being and that His way is always best. Yet, if we could not speak and someone just read the pages of our life what would they read? Would they read that we believe God’s way is greater than our way? Would they learn that we have submitted our way to His way? Or would they read that we prefer having our way and are focused on getting it?
If we are honest with ourselves, we will see that we are self-centered and elevate ‘our way’ very easily. To live a life that reflects that we believe His way is best is not easy, nor popular, nor does it come naturally. We cannot surrender our way on our own. But… if we love Jesus and have accepted Him as our Savior, we are not on our own, are we?
Let’s look at ways we can change our perspective and live our belief that His Way > My Way.
1. Stop striving and start surrendering. We can stop trying to get our way and give ourselves to God completely so we can live our life His way. Scriptures tell us that we are to be crucified with Christ and that means my life is no longer about me and my way. The life we as believers live is to be based on faith in Jesus who now lives within us. The power of Christ’s resurrection is worked out through the gift of the Holy Spirit in us. All we have to do is submit to Him – surrendering our way for His. (Galatians 2:20)
2. Stop conforming and start transforming. We are conformers. Our way is to fit in, to be liked and to be a part. We compare ourselves to others and try to measure up. That’s not God’s way. He says each one of us is His unique creation, His masterpiece. He has a specific plan and purpose for us. As we study God’s word and come to know Him more, there will be a renewing of our mind which leads to our transformation as the Holy Spirit guides and shapes our thoughts and our behaviors. This is how we become set apart for His glory. (Romans 12:2)
3. Stop being offended and start forgiving. Our way is to place expectations on people, to judge others and to criticize. God’s way is to love unconditionally and to freely forgive. If someone is different from us it does not mean they are wrong or bad. They are simply different. Make space for grace. His way is to forgive and to love those who do not love us. His way means offering grace. Are you a good grace giver? We can offer grace because we have received grace. (Matthew 5:43-44)
4. Stop the busyness and create margin. Margin is blank space. Our way wants to fill every second and check lots of items off the To Do list. God’s way is for us to make time for Him, to be still and know, to rest in Him. When was the last time you took a leisurely walk and just thanked Him for all He has done for you? Having some margin allows the static to quieten, the clutter in our mind to subside and opens up space to hear from God. Jesus withdrew and spent time with God, we should, too. (Matthew 14:23)
5. Stop practicing religion and start focusing on your relationship with Jesus. Are you going through the motions, doing what you think is expected of you, checking the boxes? That is not what pleases God. His way is to have a relationship. He asks us to love Him with all our heart, soul and mind. When we do that, we will spend time with Him, serve Him and surrender more and more to Him. Do you? Do you love Him? (Matthew 22:37-39)
His Way > Our Way. His way is for us to surrender to Him and allow transformation to take place in our life. His way is for us to love unconditionally and forgive freely. His way is for us to slow down, keep our priorities in order and spend time with Him. He way is for us to grow to know Him more.
His Way > Our Way. If we believe that – then let’s start living like it today.
Want to spend a little more time on this topic? Watch this 20 minute teaching on this topic…
Note from Pam:
Hi friends! Let’s stop worrying about all the things that don’t matter and instead, focus on what matters most - Jesus! I have created some resources to help you do just that and there are some new things on the way! So if you haven’t signed up for our Blog/Newsletter, be sure to do so at the bottom of this page.
I have no words to express how honored I am to get to chat with you. I believe we were created to be in relationship with one another and to encourage each other on this journey. So, let’s invite our friends to join us. We just never know who might be looking for something covered in this very post. Like it, comment on it and share it. It makes a difference when you do.
We keep nudging each other to look up and keep moving forward in our relationship with Jesus. If you are looking for a resource to help you grow more intimate with Him, check out my book, Saved by Grace, Now What? It is available on the MWM Marketplace along with some pretty cute faith based tees.
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I love you and am thankful you are here.