How Did I Get on the Struggle Bus?

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Someone let me off this thing! I’m struggling and it’s not pretty. What is happening?

Monday my feelings flowed out of my eyes. Tuesday I ate my feelings. And today my blog post would have been a pity party had I not deleted it.

Then I remembered...

1. My life is not about me and my feelings. My life is all about living for Jesus and bringing honor and glory to His name.

2. He sees me. He knows my pain and He cares. The Bible tells me he catches each of my tears.

3. Instead of getting on that struggle bus, I have a seat on the Exceedingly Abundantly More train. I can experience living the abundant life that Jesus came to offer me - knowing He is everything I need.

4. My circumstances may not be what I would have chosen, but no doubt - His plans are far better than any I could imagine. So I’ll just say, Yes!!!

Today I am busy praying, worshipping and changing my perspective. Next week, I will try my hand again at a new blog post.

Who knows? Today’s post might have been just what you needed to hear.

Hi friends!

Thanks for being here. Let’s stop worrying about all the things that don’t matter and instead, focus on what matters most - Jesus! I have created some resources to help you do just that and there are some new things on the way! So if you haven’t signed up for our Blog/Newsletter, be sure to do so here.

I have no words to express how honored I am to get to chat with you. I believe we were created to be in relationship with one another and to encourage each other on this journey. So, let’s invite our friends to join us. We just never know who might be looking for something covered in this very post. Like it, comment on it and share it. It makes a difference when you do.

We keep nudging each other to look up and keep moving forward in our relationship with Jesus. If you are looking for a resource to help you grow more intimate with Him, check out my book, Saved by Grace, Now What? It is available on the MWM Marketplace along with some pretty cute faith based tees.

Also, follow me on Instagram, Like my FB page and join my FB group! Oh and subscribe to the YouTube channel.

I love you and am thankful you are here.



Stop It! Then Start.


What are You Doing that You Need to Stop