Crazy Mom Syndrome

Crazy Mom Syndrome
Crazy Mom Syndrome

Crazy Mom Syndrome

Are you already smiling?Can you relate?Do you have the symptoms?Are you experiencing Crazy Mom Syndrome?

As you are rushing around, meeting teachers, getting your children ready for school and trying to get back into the routine, do you feel you are half crazy?Oh, I can chuckle because I have been there.As I raised my three children, we seemed to live as if someone were holding down the fast forward button on our life. I remember waking my children after hitting the snooze button too many times, “Get up! Get up!We are going to be late!”I would rush them into the minivan.Then I would rush them out of the minivan, “Hurry! Run!You have 3 minutes until the tardy bell rings.”We would run around like crazy people in the evening trying to squeeze in dinner, homework, softball and baseball, band, dance and gymnastics.Oh, how I love those three blessings.And I tucked them in each night with “Get to sleep! It is so late. I love you!!You are going to be exhausted.Everybody sleep now!”Can you relate?I am exaggerating – I hope – well, at least a little bit.But, can we agree…life is CRAZY when you have children?

Just last week I was reminiscing with friends about those days.We laughed.But as I think back, those are not the times I treasure.The times I never want to forget are the quiet times.The times filled with meaningful conversation.The times around the dinner table when we laughed and laughed. The time we spent sitting around a campfire at the lake.The times we treasure are the times when we are not so rushed and can just enjoy one another.

As a mom of grown children, I understand Crazy Mom Syndrome.I get it.But may I pass on some words of wisdom?Slow down.Enjoy this time – it will pass all too quickly.Don’t let the stress of all you have running through your mind rob you of priceless moments with your children.

As you prepare for the school year, pause and think about what is important to offer those precious blessings God has given to you? I am sure you know, but if Crazy Mom Syndrome is messing with your mind, here is a reminder for us all – even grandmothers, aunts and moms to be.

Our children need to know that we love them unconditionally.Sometimes children get confused and believe we only love them when they excel at something, make good grades or have good behavior.They may not understand yet that nothing can stop us from loving them.Whether they are a preschooler or a teenager or a mom themselves - a reminder that our love is everlasting makes everything better.It will be priceless on those days they feel unloved by others.

Offer each child total acceptance.When we have more than one – odds are great – they are different.It is okay.They will have different strengths and weaknesses; different personalities; and different interests.Accept them for who God created them to be.All of us humans have the need for love and acceptance.We can make sure our children receive it from us.

We should choose positive labels to plaster on our children.I have heard moms say, “This is my messy one; or this is my difficult child; or if I had had this one first, there wouldn’t have been anymore.”Ouch!Words hurt.Be careful and label them with positive words proclaiming you are proud to be their mom!

We need to lead by example and show our children what it means to love the Lord.Let them experience your love for the Lord.It is easy to read a devotional with them and say a prayer.It is walking in obedience with God in our everyday life that will testify to our children that we do indeed love Him and desire to live for Him.That my friend is the greatest gift we could ever pass along to those great blessing God has bestowed to us.

I hope these words help to calm the symptoms of Crazy Mom Syndrome.I hope you will not let it rob you of precious moments and memories.Today let’s pray for all of the moms getting their children ready for school.Let’s claim Deuteronomy 11:19 as our commitment to our children.God is talking about His word.He says,

“You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up.”

Let’s pray, “Lord, we come to you in prayer today in awe of You and with a thankful heart.We are so blessed, but in the busyness of life – we count our “to do” items instead of our blessings.Please forgive us.Please help us to slow down just a bit and cherish the precious moments of each day. Help us to lead by example and teach our children to fall in love with You.As the scripture says, remind us to talk about You and Your Word when we are at home, when we are out and about, when we go to bed and every morning when we wake up.Please help us to make You the center of every day, the provider of all of the good times and our comfort in the bad times.Please guide us as we parent and protect our children’s heart.May their hearts be filled with love for You.Thank you for loving me unconditionally as I struggle to parent. Thank you for accepting me just like I am with all my flaws.Thank you for labeling me “beloved”. Thank you for modeling for me how to love God as I desire to walk in obedience to Him just as you did.Now, help me to love my children the way you love me.In your most precious name I pray.Amen.”

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