Fixer Upper

Fixer Upper
Fixer Upper

Fixer Upper Do you have a favorite television show?  I do!  I recently found a reality TV show called, “Fixer Upper”, featuring Chip and Joanna Gaines.  I love it!  This precious couple helps people find a house they can afford in the neighbor they desire.   The house is often run down and sometimes even looks as if it should just be demolished.  However, they see through all of that and see the potential that lies within the house and its surrounding property.  Then they go to work.  Chip is in charge of the destruction and rebuilding aspects.  Joanna focuses on the design of the layout and the finishing touches of the home décor.  It is fun to watch the complete and total transformation as a beautiful home is presented to their clients.

I started thinking about that.  It began to remind me of us.  Often times we find ourselves in a place where we do not desire to be.  We look within and see that we have become tired and run down.  We may even feel close to being totally demolished.  But, oh sweet friend, let’s all be encouraged today because we have a Savior who wants to come in and begin a good work in us.  He can see past all that ugliness and see our true potential and our value.  He wants to come in and tear down walls that have been built up by anger and bitterness.  He longs to strip the pain that has been painted into our lives.  He wants to completely rebuild us and implement His design onto us.  Then He will add His finishing touches that will make us into exactly who He has called us to be.  The transformation that He can make in our lives is far more amazing than what we will ever see on the show, “Fixer Upper”.

So…when we find ourselves feeling like a fixer upper in need of a renovation, what can we do?  Well, here are three steps to take.  To help us remember this – let’s use an acrostic of the word, FIX.

F – Feed our soul with God’s word. Just like our body needs food – our soul craves God’s word.  It is really pretty simple.  If we are not in God’s word on a regular basis, then we will not be able to walk with Him.  Joshua 1:8 teaches us, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  I love that this passage reminds us to not just read our Bible, but to reflect upon it in a thoughtful way.  We need to understand His truths and strive to apply them into our lives.  Only then can we hope to do according to all that God has written.  That is the only way our life will be successful in God’s eyes – and isn’t that what really matters?

I – Implement what we learn.  We should not only read – but we should live out God’s word.  James 1:22 instructs us, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  Yikes.  That is not what we want, is it?  We want to receive God’s word with a teachable spirit so that we can apply it in our everyday life.  This will change our lives and allow us to live in a way that just might change others.

X – X-ray within to examine the areas in need of change and growth.  Whew!  This is really a tough one.  We love to live in our comfy zone of total denial.  Pride…bitterness…insecurity…the list goes on and on – but we would rather just not think about it.   But do you know that 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us? “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”  This excites me.  We are not left to figure this life out as we go.  No!  All scripture is God breathed.  His word is truth. And He gave it to us for 4 reasons – to teach us; to convict us of our wrong doing; to correct us or set us on the right path; and to instruct us or train us up as a child of God.  All we need to do is to be obedient and spend time with Him every single day – reading God’s word and applying God’s word.

We can do this!  We are a fixer upper in need of some renovation and a total transformation.  Let’s pray together today…”Lord, thank you so much for loving us with all of our walls and areas that need to be torn down.  We come before you today with our hands raised in surrender.  We are ready.  Fix us, Lord!  Help us to stay committed to making time for you as we begin each new day.  As we read and study Your Word, we ask that You would just speak into our spirit.  We ask that you give us the Words we need to hear.  We ask that you guide us along the path you have for us.  We pray that you give us the strength and courage to see our sin, our unbelief and our need for You.  Fill us up with YOU!  We love you, Jesus and say, “Yes” to living our lives for You!  Amen.”

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