What Matters Most

What Matters Most
What Matters Most

What Matters Most

If we were to stand in the town square on a podium and proclaim what matters most, what would we say?Ponder that for a few minutes.What would our answer be?How would we phrase it?What words would we use?Now…consider our thoughts and our actions being an art exhibit to depict what matters most to us.People from all over could come and browse through this exhibit.They could study our thoughts.They could analyze our actions.What would be revealed to matter most to us?

Although we know what truly matters most – do we live it every day?Do we act as if it is what matters most?Do our children know it is what matters most to us?Are our friends aware of just how much it matters to us?

You know, we are really something else.Think about it.Here we are – created in God’s image – created to have relationship with Him – covered by His amazing grace – promised a home in Heaven – called to live a life that brings honor and glory to Him.Yet – we live each day as if “me, myself and I” is what matters most to us.We dwell on unmet expectations, hurt feelings, and disappointments.We think we deserve more and should be treated better.We act as if our “to do” list is the most important of anyone we know.

Oh – I am feeling convicted as I type.How is your reading going?Is this hitting home with you?What can we do to turn this around?I desire to live a life that is pleasing to my Lord.I desire to live in a way that brings honor and glory to Him – not to me.I desire to focus on all that He has done and not all that I think I need to do.I desire to inspire others to fall in love with Him.I desire to live out the life God is calling me to live!

Are you with me?Can we do this together?Let’s claim Galatians 2:20

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Yes!It is no longer about us – it is all about Him.What matters most is that we have a sweet, true and intimate relationship with Jesus.What matters most is that we surrender our way and begin to follow His way.What matters most is that we believe and accept that He created us for more than this.He has a plan for each of our lives and what matter most is that we live out that plan.What matters most is that we tell others about this awesome God who loves them so and matters most of all.

“Oh sweet Jesus – we surrender!We lay down ourselves and say, “YES” to you!We desire to live out every second of every day for You!Help us, Lord!Help us to focus on You!Help us to serve like You!Help us to love like You!You are what matters most to me!In your precious name we pray…Amen”

Please let me hear from you.What are your struggles?What holds you back from living out what matters most?

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Fixer Upper