I Wish I Had Known (part 3)

I Wish I Had Known (part 3)
I Wish I Had Known (part 3)

I Wish I Had Known (part 3)

I have been talking about things I wish I had known.First, I shared I wish I had known that every choice, every decision places us on a path.By choosing to not walk in total obedience to God, we find ourselves in situations we would have never chosen.I wish I had known then that it is only when we walk in obedience to Him that we experience His best.(http://masterwhatmatters.org/2014/10/29/wish-known/#sthash.WhVMQFqR.dpbs )Next, I shared that I wish I had known what it truly means to put God first in my life.Oh, I would have told you He was first – but He wasn’t always.I put my family first, my feelings first, my desires first.I wish I had known that it is only when I put God first and foremost in my life that I can rest in the sweet spot of this life.This is where we know that we are loved; we are full of gratitude for all He has done; and where we experience real peace.(http://masterwhatmatters.org/2014/11/07/wish-known-part-2/#sthash.1eZchRMJ.dpbs )

Today, I want to share the third and final thing I wish I had known….

Oh ,how I wish I had known that He is enough.

Yes, He is enough.GOD IS ENOUGH!He is it.He is all we need.Do you know that?Do you really know that?Or are you like me?I thought I needed God plus a few additional things to make me complete.I thought I needed a man.I thought I needed to be a mom.I thought I needed to be surrounded by people who affirmed me.I thought I needed these things in addition to my relationship with Jesus.I believed that He was enough to save me – but I didn’t get that He was enough to sustain me.It hurts to admit that – but it is true.Oh foolish me!Can you relate?

  • I wish I had known that this life is really all about Him.  Again, if you had asked me, I would have given you the correct answer.  I mean…I knew that God was my creator; that he breathed this earth into existence; that Jesus came to earth as a man; and that He died a horrendous death so that I could have the hope of salvation.  I had accepted Jesus as my Savior – but I wasn’t living for Him.  I was living for me.  I wish I had known that my time here is just a blip of time.  And once I am gone all that will remain is what I did for my Savior.  Did my family see Him in me?  Did they come to know Him?  Did I inspire them to grow in their relationship with Him?  Did I point others to Him?  Did I share Jesus with others?  The world tells us to go after our dreams – reach for the sky – go for it.  I now know that after all Jesus has done for me – I am to surrender my life, my needs, and my desires to Him.  Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”  By finding my delight in Him; putting Him first in my life; living for Him – I will be complete, content, fulfilled and living a life I could have only dreamt of.  He is all I need!
  • I wish I had known that His affirmation is the only affirmation I need.  My love language is verbal affirmation and I have sought it all of my life.  I wanted to make my parents proud; my mate proud and happy; my children happy with me; and I wanted people to like me.  I placed so much value on that affirmation and it has never been enough.  You see…1,000 people could tell me that they thought I was awesome – then just one would roll their eyes and I would fall apart, asking, “Why doesn’t she like me?”  Silly, huh?  I wish I had known that my worth and my value were instilled by my Creator.  Those are things that are not based on my pleasing others.  They are just a fact that cannot and will not change – no matter what.  Here is some truth.  I am forgiven. (Eph 1:7)  I am chosen. (John 15:16) I am complete in Him. (Col. 2:9-10) I am His Masterpiece. (Eph. 2:10) I am HIS and He is mine!!! (I Cor. 6:19-20) I am a daughter of the King, (I John 3:1-2) an heir to the throne. (Romans 8:17)  He delights in me!  He is with me!  He has saved me!  He rejoices over me with gladness.  He quiets me with His love.  He rejoices over me with singing.  (Zep. 3:17)  All of those things are true about me and about you as well.  So, even if some roll their eyes – God made us; He loves and cherishes us; and He wants us.  We are enough for Him.  He is enough for us!  His approval – His affirmation - is all we need.  When we know who God says we are – and we believe it – it changes the way we see our life.
  • I wish I had known that God is enough to carry me through anything and everything.  This truth had to be taught to me the hard way.  I had to live it.  I found myself in a place I thought was going to destroy me.  The heartbreak was so great – I was not sure I could survive it.  However, God met me there.  He made His presence known to me.  As I lay in the floor and sobbed – He was beside me.  As I struggled to get through my days – He held me up.  When I needed the strength to go on – He supplied it.  While that was the hardest time in my life – it has become the sweetest time in my life.  It is when I came to - not just know Jesus – but to truly… know… Jesus.  He proved to me Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  He proved Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things (even heartbreak) work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”   And He fulfilled His promise in Philippians 4:19, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”   He is enough!  Yes, my friend He is enough.

Can I say it again?GOD IS ENOUGH!HE IS ENOUGH!I am hardheaded and it took me a long time to figure this out.Today – I hope it penetrates your heart and you accept it as truth.He is all you need! And when we get this and live our life believing this – the joy, the peace and the blessings are great!

I want to end this with my life verse.Isaiah 40:31 tells us, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles.They shall run and not be weary.They shall walk and not faint.”To wait is to have confident expectation and hope in the Lord.He will renew you, strengthen you, and transform you.He gives power to those who trust in Him.He will deliver you – from your heartache; from your disappointments; from your longings; from your needs and from your stongholds.HE IS ENOUGH!GOD IS ENOUGH!Yes, He is!!!!

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