This is Christmas

This is Christmas
This is Christmas

This is Christmas

How have we gotten so far off the path of what Christmas is all about? Why do those who are not believers want in on this celebration? This year let’s pause and remember the true meaning of Christmas. It is so much more than a birthday. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world though Him might be saved.” That is love greater than any of us can fully comprehend. God loves you. Yes, He loves you so. Christmas is a time of celebration of this incredible act of love. This is Christmas!

Jesus came to earth as a babe. He left Heaven and came to earth to live as a man. He was born under difficult circumstances. His family struggled. He struggled. He endured much. He felt love and compassion. He cried. He worked hard. He was completely surrendered to God and walked in obedience to Him. He had friends and followers. He was despised. He was judged. He was attacked and beaten. He suffered. He was bought at a slave’s price. He died a horrendous death. He is all powerful and could have stopped any of this at any moment, but He chose to suffer. Why? Why was He willing to suffer like this? Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus died for you. He was born a virgin and lived a perfect life so that He could become the perfect sacrifice for you. This is love. Christmas is a time of celebration of this incredible act of love. This is Christmas!

After Jesus died, on the third day He arose and ascended to Heaven. The disciples were heartbroken. Jesus appeared to them. He told them, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." God did not want us to be alone. He wanted us to know that when we accept Jesus as our Savior, when we believe on Him – the Holy Spirit indwells us and helps us. He helps us remember all that God has done for us. He reminds us of the price Jesus paid for us. He is our counselor, our teacher and our guide. He is with us to help us walk in obedience to God. God’s provision for us shows His great love for us. Christmas is a time of celebration of this incredible act of love. This is Christmas!

This year let’s not be confused. Christmas is not about buying our child the toy he wants. Christmas is a time to offer our children the greatest gift ever given – Jesus. Christmas is not about the lights and the decorations and the beautiful gift wrap. Christmas is all about celebrating the light of the world – Jesus – and all that He has done for us. Christmas is not about cakes and pies, turkey and dressing and our bulging bellies. Christmas is all about accepting the bread of life – Jesus – and letting Him nourish our bodies this Christmas season. Christmas is not about laying on the couch with our remote in our hand watching football. Christmas is about resting in the hope of our salvation** – Jesus. The gift of Christ; the Light of the World; the Bread of Life; our Hope – this is Christmas!

Because of God’s great love for us He made a way for us to spend eternity with Him. Because of this – we can have hope! Because of this – we can have great joy! Because of this – we can have peace. Love, Joy and Peace – this is Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!! May we continue the celebration every day!

Love- Pam

**We can all experience salvation. If you are not sure that this is something you have done – now is a great time to receive this perfect gift God has prepared for you. To receive something we have to put down what we are holding onto. Laying your own selfish ways down, humbly bowing before God, - ask Him to forgive you. (He already knows every thought, action and mistake. Lay it all before Him and ask Him for His forgiveness.) When you are ready and truly sincere, you might pray something like this…

“Heavenly Father, I come before you in prayer. I am a sinner, Lord. My sin has separated me from you. Please forgive me for my sins. Please wash me clean. I believe that Jesus was born of a virgin, died on the cross for me. I believe He arose again. Father, I surrender my life to you. I give you all of me. Lord, I invite Jesus Christ to come into my life and into my heart. I want to live for You. Because He died for me, I want to live for You. This I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Choose to Celebrate


Choosing Joy