He is GREATER than I


He > I Series


He is GREATER than I


As we prepare to celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, let’s prepare for the burial of our flesh and a renewal of our passionate love for Him. Let’s remember what He has done for us. Let’s meditate on it. Oh, if only our gratefulness matched the enormity of God’s gift, His only Son’s life for ours. Let’s remember today and every day that He is GREATER than I.


In John 3:30, John the Baptist says,

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”

John the Baptist knew that he paled in comparison to Jesus Christ. He wanted people to stop looking to him and look to Jesus because “He who comes from above is above all” (vs 31), because “He whom God has sent speaks the words of God” (vs. 34) and because “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life” (vs. 36). Do we know that our way, our thoughts, our opinions, our goals, our dreams, and our fears all pale in comparison to Him? Do we know that He must increase in our lives and that we must decrease? You see, our life should not be ‘all about me’. Our life should be all about Him.


“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20


Accepting Jesus as our Savior means that we have been crucified with Him. We are to daily die to our flesh so that we can live for Him! How do we do that?

·     We surrender – our everything – to Him. Everything. We stop striving and instead simply surrender our life to the One who gave His life for us.

·     We put Him first in our life. Seek Him first. We love Him most.

·     We take steps closer and closer to Him until our way, our thoughts, our path, our desires, our will all line up with His way, His thoughts, His path, His desires and His will for our life. We come to a place where our greatest dream is to be right in the center of His will, doing exactly what He created and purposed us to do.


We started the “He > I” series weeks ago. It wasn’t planned, yet I do not believe it is a coincidence that this final week is falling on Easter week. The week we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. May this week be the week we let our flesh be crucified with Him and realize it is no longer us and our plans who live, but Christ who lives in us. May we walk as He walked and talk as He talked – loving, forgiving and humbly submitting our life to God.


He > i


He is enough.


He is all we need!

Thank you so much for taking time to read this post. I appreciate your time and hope it inspired you to make Jesus Greater than your fleshly desires. Be sure to check out my YouTube Channel and watch the video series, He>i. We can talk a little more in depth there. Will you please Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe to this blog and the YouTube Channel? We need your help spreading this message, plus we want to stay connected with you! :-) 


A Heart Full


His Faithfulness > My Fear