A Heart Full

A Heart Full


My house is a complete mess, my To Do List is not being tended to, my hair needs washing, and I have a heart full. You see, two of my grands are staying at our house. They are 4 and 22 months and just welcomed a baby sister this week. This makes granddaughter #5. It really is true, grandchildren are the best! I believe they are our reward for enduring the teenage years with our children. I have a heart full of joy. There are no words to express the love I have for these 5 little girls.


This morning as I sat at the kitchen table trying to spend some time with Jesus, I thought about all the times I have given advice on how to do this with children. They are not quiet. They wake up so early. They really enjoy attention. They really enjoy their MeMe’s attention. We talked about what MeMe was doing and the importance of it. As I looked into each of their precious eyes, I realized I had a heart full of desire.


I long for each of my 5 granddaughters to become passionate followers of Christ. I desire for them to love Jesus with all of their hearts. I yearn for them to know Him and to live their sweet little lives for Him. So, not only do I have a heart full of joy and love for these beauties; not only do I have a heart full of desire for them to know Him – but I have a heart full of purpose.


And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7


We are commanded to teach God’s word to our children – to be diligent – talking about them all the day. May my love for Jesus pour out all over these sweet baby girls. May my life serve as a testimony to His goodness and His faithfulness. May I set an example and leave a lasting legacy. May we all have a heart full – so full – we inspire those who love us to love Him.

Hi Friend. Thank you for taking time to read today's post. You can also connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Let's travel this journey together and encourage one another. 


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