Now She Knows Jesus is King
Now She Knows Jesus is King
If you have been following along, you know Tom and I have 5 granddaughters. Two of which were born recently. I laugh and say grandchildren are God’s way of rewarding us for surviving the teenage years with our children. They are such blessings. Recently, my oldest gave birth to her third baby girl. Tom and I took the oldest two to see their new sister. The baby fussed just a little and the ‘biggest’, who is barely four, hurried to sit by her and sing her a song in the highest octave possible. As the words flowed out of her lips they filled our hearts and comforted the new baby all at once. “Everywhere you are with me. I will always be there with you. In the highest, glory to God. In the highest, glory to Him. There is a king, His name is Dear Lord, but they call Him Jesus because I love you. I love you.” Once the recording stopped, she looked up at me and said, “Meme, now she knows Jesus is King.”
“Now she knows, Jesus is King.” Wow! That is what this big sister wanted her little sister to know. It is important that the people we know – know this great truth. Jesus is King! He is King of Kings and Lord Lords. There will come a day when every knee shall bow and ever tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all! It matters. Jesus matters. Our relationship with Him matters. Humbling ourselves before Him matters.
In the book of Matthew, we read that the disciples come to Jesus and ask Him, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” In Chapter 18, verse 2-5 we read, “Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives me.”
So today let me ask you, “Do YOU know that Jesus is King?” My guess is that you just answered, “Yes.” Or maybe, “Of Course!”. Sometimes we have a lot of head knowledge, but what matters is our heart. Let’s pause and ask ourselves, “Does my heart know that Jesus is King? Or does it think that I am on the throne? Is my heart surrendered and submitted to the King? Am I coming to Him as a little child, humbled and in love with Him? Am I making sure that those I love know that Jesus is King?”
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