Don't Settle


Don't Settle!

Today is a struggle. Life goes on for our family without our favorite Uncle Bob. Although many, many people will miss this precious man, we all know that he loved Jesus and will spend his eternity with him. His death is a reminder that our days our short. When we are young, 83 seems like eternity, yet here I am at 53 and can hardly believe how much time has gone. If we are to be honest, its not how much time we have but what we do with it that matters. In a blog post last year, I wrote: "Don’t settle for a 'Did I ever really know Him?' life. Choose the abundant life with Jesus as your very best friend!"

This past post is what I want to say today. The words matter. Will you take time to read them? Click here to read the entire post, Did I Ever Really Know Him?

Let's get this right. Let's let go of all the things that simply do not matter and grab ahold of the One True Thing that Matters Most - our relationship with Jesus. Let's get to know Him more, choose Him as our best friend, and live the life He came to offer us - one of abundance.


Do you want to know Jesus in a more intimate way? "Saved By Grace, Now What?" answers your questions and leads you to a place of intimacy with your Savior. Order yours today. I am actually reading what I wrote again, because I never want to forget how precious my relationship with Jesus is. I still want to know Him more!

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