Mess-Up or Masterpiece
Mess-Up or Masterpiece?
It is so easy to wallow in our mistakes and our mess-ups. Our past haunts us. We carry around our guilt and our shame as if they are heavy suitcases filled with our regrets. We believe that we are not worthy of intimacy with Jesus, after all look at who we have been. We believe we are a mess-up. We lift our heads up enough to look at all those around us. She is a better mom than me, more successful than I am and more attractive. She knows more about the Bible than I do, so I bet she never acts ugly. (If you are not from the south, let me translate. When we are sarcastic, rude or have a bad attitude, we southerners call it “acting ugly”.) We compare ourselves with others and believe we are not worthy of intimacy with Jesus because of who we are not. We are not a masterpiece because we are not good enough, smart enough or pretty enough.
Who are you? Are you a Mess-Up or are you a Masterpiece?
Left to our own feelings and thoughts, it seems that we are a Mess-up. We could go on for a long time with our justifications and examples. In our opinion, there is simply no doubt that our mess-ups triumph over anything that would indicate we are a masterpiece. Besides, how could we be a masterpiece when even the Bible states we cannot be perfect on this side of heaven?
Masterpiece feels like such a big word. It is an awkward label to wear. We are not perfect, so how can we be labeled a Masterpiece? Have you ever watched an artist paint a canvas? They dab their brush in dark colors and roughly swipe them back and forth, back and forth. They layer color on top or color, covering up some of the original stokes. Before long, it is not what it was. It is perfectly imperfect. It is new and beautiful and worthy to be put on display for all to see. You no longer see the dark colors or the rough strokes, you see the beauty and light and the result of what it was created to be before even the first dot of paint.
Like the artist, the Creator had His Masterpiece (you) in mind before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4) When you invited Jesus into your heart, you were born again (John 3:3) and made anew (2 Corinthians 5:17). The dark areas have provided depth and allowed you to grow in your faith because you realize how good and trustworthy your God is. Because you have been washed white as snow, others no longer see those dark colors or the rough times. They see the beauty and the light that now shines through you. God has taken something broken and made something so beautiful, so perfectly imperfect, that He wants it to be on display for all the world to see. He wants them to see the beauty that can only be found because Jesus is alive in you. You are a work of art, a masterpiece, created by the Creator of the Universe.
If we believe the Bible is the word of God, if we believe that He is all knowing, if we believe that He is our Creator – than we must believe that we are His Masterpiece. We are His Masterpiece, this I know because the Bible tells me so.
You are invited!
Join us Thursday, 1/25 at 7 p.m. CST We will be LIVE on the Master What Matters FB Page.
A Message from Pam:
During the month of January, we are talking about "Who Are You?" I pray these blog posts, graphics, t-shirts and tools encourage you to embrace your true identity. I hope you are inspired to get into God's Word and discover all the things He says about you and your identity. I am praying that you will embrace the truth of who you are and walk in your true identity so you can take a step closer to intimacy with Jesus.
You are invited to visit the Marketplace where you will find the book - Saved by Grace, Now What? and graphic tees, connect with Master What Matters via our Facebook page, Facebook group, Instagram, and subscribe to us on YouTube (just look for the Master What Matters logo).
Invite your friends! Let's travel this journey together and get to know Jesus more and more!
Love you!!!!