Do You Know Who You Are?

Do You Know Who You Are?.png

Do You Know Who You Are?


Who are you? What labels are your wearing?


Rejected. Abandoned. Left. Discarded. Ignored. Unwanted. Alone. Divorced. Looked Over. Inferior. Damaged. Imperfect. Defiled. Ugly. Not Good Enough. Invisible. Unaccepted. Scarred. Less Than. Undesirable. Bruised. Ordinary. Forsaken. Deserted. Disowned. Excluded.


It starts early. We long to be included, to be wanted and to fit in with the crowd. We stand on the playground and pray that the cool girls will choose us today. Please let them see us and want to play with us. Please don’t look over me and leave me standing here all alone.


You know, that is how cunning Satan is, he hisses and whispers even into young and naive ears. We begin to believe that we are the words that have been spoken to us and we are the sum of the things that have happened to us. Have you done that? Have you believed that you are the words that have been spoken to you and the sum of what has happened to you? Can we stop and evaluate these labels that we have superglued to our chest? Let’s ask ourselves this question - WHO TOLD YOU THAT? Who told you that you have been discarded? Who told you that you are not enough? Who told you that you are all alone? As I sit here with my Bible open on the table, Bible Apps on my phone and Bible Gateway on the computer screen, I cannot find those words. There is not one scripture in all of God’s Word that describes you that way.


If we believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, then why are we buying into Satan’s lies? It is time to rip those labels off your chest and announce that you are NOT rejected, discarded, ignored, unwanted or alone. The harsh words that were spoken were in the past, the terrible things that happened are over. Those words and those experiences do not define you anymore than your broken vase defines your little boy. I love that God is not concerned with our past – I mean let’s face it, we can’t do anything about it other than leave it in the dust. God is concerned with the current condition of our heart.  


The truth is that you are chosen. Yes, you. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 1:4 that God chose you before the foundation of the world. He chose you to be holy and without blame. He chose you because He loves you. He has adopted you and calls you His child. You did not choose Him, but He has chosen you. (John 15:16) He has chosen you, so isn’t it safe to add “Wanted” to your label. You are chosen and you are wanted. How do you like those labels? I love them! Let’s wear them! Let’s live the rest of our life knowing that we are chosen and we are wanted. God said it and that settles it.


I am Chosen. Therefore, I have chosen to live for the One who has Chosen me.

A Message from Pam:

During the month of January, we are talking about "Who Are You?" I pray these blog posts, graphics, t-shirts and tools encourage you to embrace your true identity. I hope you are inspired to get into God's Word and discover all the things He says about you and your identity. I am praying that you will embrace the truth of who you are and walk in your true identity so you can take a step closer to intimacy with Jesus. 

You are invited to visit the Marketplace where you will find the book - Saved by Grace, Now What? and graphic tees, connect with Master What Matters via our Facebook page, Facebook group, Instagram, and subscribe to us on YouTube (just look for the Master What Matters logo). 

Invite your friends! Let's travel this journey together and get to know Jesus more and more!

Love you!!!!

Pam PegramComment