Who Are You?
Who Are You?
That reminds me of a song - Who? Who? Who? Who? Who are you? WAIT! I don’t want to know who the world has told you that you are. What I really want to know is who are you truly? Who has the authority to decree your identity? Whose labels should you be wearing?
LABELS. We all wear them and many are painful. They remind us of our past, what has been said about us, what has happened to us and the mistakes we have made. Some were assigned to us when we were merely a child. Some have been placed on us because of our life circumstances and the things that have happened to us that we never wanted. And then there are those super sticky labels that we have carefully placed on ourselves, looked in the mirror, and declared over and over again. I am not even going to repeat them, just look at the labels in the graphic and you will see many of the ones you wear.
Friend, you have been sold a faulty set of labels. Someone sold you a counterfeit set and you have paid dearly for them. It’s a scam. You are a victim of identity theft. Let me ask you a question, "Who told you that?" Who told you that you were unlovable, not good enough or damaged? Who told you that you were any of those labels? That is not who you are. Your identity is not found in your appearance, in your success or lack of it, or in the dysfunction of your family. Your identity is not found in the labels the world has assigned to you. You are not your past, your failures or your mistakes. You are not your pain. It is time to rip these labels off your chest and exchange them for the labels you were always intended to wear.
You, dear sweet one, were created with worth and value. Those were instilled in you by your Creator and while life may have beat you up a little bit, your worth and your value have remained intact. When God breathed life into you, He filled you with purpose. He knew you and He loved you before you were ever in your mother’s womb, before you knew Him or loved Him. He has a plan for you and it begins with you understanding who you are in Him. (Take some time and review Psalm 139:13-18; Jeremiah 1:5; Isaiah43:18-19; Jeremiah 29:11)
Ready for your new set of labels? Drop your old set here in the shredder and let’s stick on your new set. God tells us throughout His word that those who have believed in Him and received Him have a new identity, a new set of labels to wear.
It's time to know who you really are.
Who told you that? Well, the One who breathed life into your lungs, the Creator of All, the Almighty One – He told you that you are His child, redeemed and forgiven. He told you that you are chosen and wanted, His Masterpiece and loved lavishly. He told you that you are His. These are the labels you are to wear. Over the next few weeks we are going to dive into God’s word to see what He said about each of these labels - but, in the meantime, slap these labels on your chest and wear them as your new name badge. Rest in the truth of God’s word, the reality of what our sweet Savior has done for us, and the gift of the Holy Spirit that is alive within us.
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
I John 3:1 (NIV)
At Master What Matters, we believe that what matters most is our personal relationship with Jesus. Having an intimate and healthy relationship with Jesus begins with knowing who we are by finding our identity in who He is and what He has done. It all begins by accepting Him as our Savior. If you have not done that and want to know more about the Plan of Salvation, you can find it by clicking here.
During January, we are focusing on finding our identity in the truth of God’s word. Don’t miss a single post, blog or a video. Make sure you are connected! Each month we will have a different theme that will help us establish a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus. Let’s make 2018 the year we exalted Him to His proper place in our lives – FIRST!
“When God is exalted to His proper place in our lives, a thousand problems are solved all at once.”
Happy New Year! May you be NEW indeed! Let's do this! Let's get to know Jesus like we never have before! Plug in! Invite your friends! Let's link arms and encourage one another on the journey to intimacy with Jesus! You are loved!!!!
Wear your new labels! New graphic tees are in the Master What Matters Marketplace! Pre-Order Yours and SAVE today. "Saved by Grace, Now What?" is available there, too! Shop the Marketplace and check back often. Connect with Master What Matters via our Facebook page, Facebook group, Instagram, and subscribe to us on YouTube (just look for the Master What Matters logo).