Stuck or Set Free

Stuck or Set Free?


If you and I were sitting with a cup of coffee and chatting about where we are in our life, especially in relation to our purpose, would you say you feel stuck or that you feel free to pursue your purpose with passion? It’s a tough question, isn’t it? We want to declare we are free. We know the Bible tells us that if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we have been set free and given the opportunity to live the abundant life. Yet, are we? Are we living in our freedom or are we stuck in a holding pattern?


Over the past few weeks, we have acknowledged that being stuck is yuck, and it is. It is not a fun place to be. Then we asked ourselves if we could be a part of the problem. Ugh! Another hard question. Are we attributing to our being stuck? (We are.) Well, if we are – what should we do about it? And last week, we focused on allowing God to restore us. (If you have missed any weeks, here’s the link to the blog posts.)


Here’s the thing. God has more for us – so much more. He has created us and filled us with purpose. He has a plan for our life which includes things He is asking us to do. He desires for us to live the abundant life here on earth and spend our eternity with Him. Are you experiencing the so much more He has promised? See the chart below and sum up where you are…

Stuck or Set Free.png


 We make a lot of excuses, don’t we. Our excuses, fears and lack of faith cause us to be stuck. What if we set all of that down and instead chose to step into the freedom that Jesus came to offer us. What if we believed that He is the Truth and the Truth has set us free? What if we quit worrying and asking God silly questions, and instead started simply saying, “Yes” to Him? 


When we say Yes and truly trust God, then we find ourselves free of worry, free of offense and free of fear. We start to experience the more – the so much more - that God has promised. He has an abundance of gifts for us and can do more than we can even imagine. But first, we have to decide to become unstuck, be restored by our Creator and step forward into our freedom.


“For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height—to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:14-21


Let’s pray together, “Heavenly Father, as we humbly step into your presence we acknowledge who You are - the Great I Am, the Creator of All. We thank you for all that you have done for us and given to us. We are grateful, Lord. We ask that you forgive us for putting ourselves, people and things before you; for being disobedient to Your word and for taking our eyes off of you and getting ourselves stuck. God we ask that you help us to set down whatever it is that has us stuck. God we give it to You. As we release it, we raise our hands to You in surrender and in worship. We step into our freedom that you have promised to us. Lord, help us be free indeed. Free to serve you, free to do what you are asking, free to love others, free to point others to you. Lord, help us be bold. In Jesus’ most precious name we pray. Amen.”

Join us next week as we talk about how to stay un-stuck.

Hi there! I am so thankful you are here. Let’s be an encouragement to one another to live the abundant life Jesus came to offer us. Let’s keep reminding each other to put Him first in our life.

Who do you know that you want to invite to join us here. Share this link and tell your friends to subscribe so they never miss a post. We are talking about being stuck. Ever been there? Sure you have. When we find ourselves in this state of stickiness (Yes, I made that word up.) what are we to do?

Here are a few things you can find here - but stay tuned - more is coming. And Hey! We would love to hear what you would like from us - more blog posts, FB lives, Instagram stories, a group where we can connect on line? Send your suggestions here.

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  • We are walking around in a lost and dying world. Maybe, just maybe a message on a t-shirt might make a difference to a stranger and change the course of her eternity. You are invited to visit the Marketplace where you will find the book - Saved by Grace, Now What? and graphic tees. 

  • Do you know Jesus? If there is any question, download the Plan of Salvation and read through the scriptures. I would love to chat with you about it. Feel free to reach out to me.









Becoming and Remaining Unstuck


Restore Me O Lord