We Interrupt Your Normally Scheduled Life
We interrupt your normally scheduled life to…
Remember when they used to come on tv and “interrupt our regularly scheduled program”? We thought that was such an inconvenience, didn’t we? I can remember sighing loudly because my tv program was interrupted. That seems so silly now, because here we are experiencing our daily life being interrupted. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this happening. Do you feel like you are in an episode of The Twilight Zone?
My thoughts keep reverting to questions, confusion, and total dismay. What is happening? What is the truth? What will be the fallout from all of this? But then I remember that our focus should be on what we know to be true. This is the time that we are to live out what we believe. If God was a television producer and this was a tv show, what role would He want His children to play?
Hmm… that is an interesting question, isn’t it? There would probably be people on the show who were panicked, filled with anxiety and even storing up supplies. But, would He have believers playing those roles or would that be for the non-believers? In the perfect tv saga, produced by God, what would be the character of the believer? Let’s make a list…
Peaceful. The believer has peace, which is the opposite of worry, because she knows that God is in control, that He will keep His promises to her and that He is her security. In the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 – verse 25 says, “Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come.” In this scripture, time to come, is referring to the end of time. Now, we don’t know if this is the end of time or not – but it is definitely a difficult time. Regardless, like the virtuous Proverbs 31 woman, the believer knows Who holds her future. To find that peace that passes understanding, she spends time in the Word, where 365 times God tells her do not fear. Just like mothers hold their babies and reassure them there is nothing to be afraid of, God is holding and comforting her. He is her good, good Father. She chooses to be still and rest in His love.
Obedient. The believer is obedient to the word of God. Just as James 1:22 says, she is a doer of the Word and not just a hearer. She has a teachable spirt and is learning to apply the truth and direction of God’s word to her everyday life. Because she studies the Bible, she is growing to know it more and it is changing who she is. This is what God refers to as transformation. It is her love for Him that leads her to walk in obedience to Him, and her obedience to Him that allows her to fellowship with Him.
Worshipper. This believer worships God throughout her day. She humbles herself because she realizes that she is encountering His Holy Presence. He is God, her Creator, her Lord, the Almighty One. She has Psalm 95:6-7 framed on her wall in her home as a reminder, “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” As she worships, her perspective changes and she is reminded that nothing compares to Him, everything pales in comparison.
Living Testimony. How this believer lives her life is a living testimony of her relationship with Jesus. She loves as He loves, offers grace and shares her story freely with others. She is not silent, yet never argumentative or boastful. She softly shares what she believes whenever she feels the prompting of the Holy Spirit. She is willing to tell others and invite them to know her Savior. Therefore, she is ready with a simple 4 step way to share. First, she tells them about God’s plan (John 3:16-17); then she shares the problem (Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23); next comes the solution (1 Peter 2:24 and Romans 10:9-10) and finally, our response (Romans 10:13 and John 1:12). The believer recognizes that sharing her faith is the most selfless thing she scan do.
Servant Leader. The believer is a servant leader, not trying to grow her status, but serving so that others might see Jesus in her. She learned from her Bible study that faith without works is dead and her love for Jesus will compel her to love others. Love is an action, not just a feeling. She understands that serving others, as Jesus did, is what He expects of us. She is willing to step up to serve or lead so that those who follow her, might find themselves running after Jesus.
That is quiet a list. Could it be that this is who God expects us to be not only during good times, but especially during times of confusion and uncertainty? People are looking for hope and they are looking for answers. We have both and His name is Jesus. How can you do like the believer in our saga above and rest in peace, walk in obedience, worship your Savior, live out your testimony, and lead in serving others? In our home, on social media and wherever the days ahead lead us – let’s be who God has produced or created us to be.
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