God Will Rescue You

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In Psalm 40, we have this great example of how troubles and difficulties forced David to continually depend on the Lord. And here we are, experiencing troubles and difficulties of our own. We are in the midst of a pandemic although we never imagined we would find ourselves here. We are social distancing, which creates all types of troubles and difficulties. We may be lonely, overwhelmed, struggling financially, a little anxious and very confused. We may even be all of those things.

We see that David waited patiently on the Lord. This scripture is not about David being patient, but instead it focuses on the fact that David waited solely on the Lord. He placed his confident trust in God, knowing that his salvation comes only from Him. During this crazy time, are we displaying confident trust in God alone or have we lost sight of the fact that He is our only salvation. In addition to our salvation from spending our eternity in hell, He will save us from sinking to depths of despair when we place our trust in Him alone. Can you imagine God stooping down to rescue you in your time of need?

David is in a terrible time of stress and he feels as if he is stuck in a pit. Can you relate? No matter how hard David tries to climb out of the pit, he cannot get himself unstuck. So, he turns his frustration over solely to the Lord. He finds strength in the Lord and the Lord lifts David up out of his stuck places and sets his feet on the solid rock. David discovered he could not lift himself up out of the pit, instead He had to look to God for help.

Are you there today? Are you stuck deep in the miry pit? Look up! God is your salvation. Let Him help you and put a new song of praise on your lips.

p.s. Hey, we all know what it feels like to be a little stuck. We are more prone to go there during crazy times like this than normal. So beware. If you would like a little encouragement, I want to invite you to subscribe to a video series called, Unstuck. It will be sent to your email and you can watch at your convenience. There are some pretty cool handouts to go along with it, too. Let’s get unstuck and live set free!

Hi friend! Let’s stay connected…

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  • We are walking around in a lost and dying world. Maybe, just maybe a message on a t-shirt might make a difference to a stranger and change the course of her eternity. You are invited to visit the Marketplace where you will find the book - Saved by Grace, Now What? and graphic tees. 

  • Do you know Jesus? If there is any question, download the Plan of Salvation and read through the scriptures. I would love to chat with you about it. Feel free to reach out to me.

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