His Path is Greater than My Path

His Path is Greater than My Path 


He > I Series Part 3 of 5  (Video at bottom of post.)

Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Ephesians 5:17


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His Path > My Path


There is a verse in the Bible I have heard my entire life. Somehow, I didn’t take it literally or take time to understand what it means until the past recent years. I bet Psalm 119:105 is familiar to you, too. The psalmist describes God’s word as light - a guide for living. It tells us that God’s word is like a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Just as a lantern lights our next step along a dark path, God’s word illuminates our next step along the path He has for us to walk. Later in verse 130, the light refers to understanding.

Are we on His path? Are we living as if we believe His Path > My Path?


We plot and plan our path. We have desires, goals and dreams. We start running down the path we want to walk and then absent-mindedly ask God to bless our path. The problem is our path is all about ‘me’. If we are not careful, we can allow ourselves to believe that we were created to be happy and to fulfill our dreams. Our path is short-sighted and only takes into consideration the short time we have on earth. In stark contrast, the path God has for us is all about Him. We were created to fulfill the purpose He established long before we understood what it meant to dream. His path is fixed on that which is eternal and will outlast our time here. His path > My path, so how do we walk His path?   

3 Steps to Lead Us to the Path God has for Us…

  1. Ask God for direction. Instead of talking to God and telling Him what we want, what we need and what we are worried about – take time to listen. Ask Him ‘what should I do’, ‘what is your will for my life’, and be willing to wait on His answer. Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs His steps.” Isaiah 30:21 tells us, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’” Are you listening?


  2. Seek God’s guidance. God’s word is our life map. In it we can find God’s guidance and direction. However, it is not our head knowledge that allows us to follow His path. It is our heart filled with love for our Savior and surrendered to Him that guides us along the path He has for us. When we heed God’s command in Matthew 22:37 to, “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”, our dreams begin to line up with the purpose God created us to fulfill. 


  3. Choose His path. God has a plan and a purpose for you. He sees much more than you can see. He is trustworthy. So, instead of planning, plotting and striving – simply surrender to walk His path and you will find that it is much better, more fulfilling and exceedingly, abundantly, above all you had dreamed along your path. How do you walk His path? It is simple. You have already received the invitation to enter this path, you just need to accept it. You simply accept Jesus’ invitation to, “Follow me”.


His Path > My Path. Does that mean that it will be easy and always filled with sunshine and rainbows? No. Matter of fact, His path is sure to be filled with trials and tribulation. But when we surrender our life and our path to walk His path, we experience His peace and His joy. Every hard situation we encounter will grow us and stretch us to become more of who He created us to be. As we look backwards we will see His promises fulfilled in our life and how He has used every struggle for good. Isaiah 40:31 says, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Choose His path. 

Let’s talk about it a little bit more…

Note from Pam:

Hi friends! Did today’s post speak to you? If so, will you like it and share it? We just never know who might need to hear this today. We are looking back at this series from a few years ago - and I needed this message TODAY! Isn’t it awesome how God works?

Let’s stop worrying about all the things that don’t matter and instead, focus on what matters most - Jesus! I have created some resources to help you do just that and there are some new things on the way! So if you haven’t signed up for our Blog/Newsletter, be sure to do so at the bottom of this page.

I have no words to express how honored I am to get to chat with you. I believe we were created to be in relationship with one another and to encourage each other on this journey. So, let’s invite our friends to join us. We just never know who might be looking for something covered in this very post. Like it, comment on it and share it. It makes a difference when you do.

We keep nudging each other to look up and keep moving forward in our relationship with Jesus. If you are looking for a resource to help you grow more intimate with Him, check out my book, Saved by Grace, Now What? It is available on the MWM Marketplace along with some pretty cute faith based tees.

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I love you and am thankful you are here.



His Faithfulness is Greater than My Fear


Beautiful Word Bible and Bible Journal Reviews