What is Vision and Why Do I Need It?

What Is Vision and Why Do I Need It?

I have 3 questions for you…

Why are you here?

What is God calling you to do?

Are you doing it?

Sorry. I don’t mean to be so intense, but I do want to get your attention. I think we have forgotten that we were not created to go about our own business and do what we think needs to get done today. Our life isn’t about us and what makes us happy. How did we get here?  

Have you ever asked God, “why am I here?”.

If we were sitting face to face, I think you would tell me that you believe you were created on purpose and filled with purpose. But, do you know your purpose?

Have you ever asked God, “what are you calling me to do?”.

Again, as I take another sip of my coffee, I believe you would say that you know God probably has something He wants you to do, but you just aren’t sure what that is. You would probably tell me all the things you do, knowing those aren’t really your calling. You might even feel a little bit defensive because you if you knew what it was, you would be doing it.

Are you doing it? The answer for most of us is NO.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:18 that where there is no vision the people perish. So, can I help you create a vision of what God is calling you to do?

This is going to be good. Grab a pen and take some notes.

1.        Let’s start with the Great Commandment:

Jesus said, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind…Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Your Vision for Your Calling is birthed out of your love for God and your love for people.

(You might need to settle here for a while and that’s okay. God loves your honesty. If you don’t love God or people enough to take your eyes and thoughts off yourself – grab your Bible and hit your knees. It’s time to pursue an intimate relationship with Jesus. Let Him transform you. His way is best.)

2.        Next, let’s add your spiritual gift to the mix.

You cannot claim that you do not have one. Why? Because Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12 make it clear that every Christian has a spiritual gift and that it is to be used to serve the body of Christ.

You cannot claim that you can’t use it or that you are not good at it. Why? Because we know that if God commands us to do something, He enables us to do it in His strength. You + God = everything you need.

3.       Last, ask God to give you eyes to see what would be possible if you use your gift for His glory.

Dream a little, but be careful, don’t let the world’s view of what is important muddy your vision. Using our gift does not require standing on a stage, but it does require serving others in some capacity.

Need an example? You love God and you love people and you want to use your gift for His glory. You have the gift of encouragement. Using your gift could be to come alongside others to encourage them – to urge them – to follow God’s plan for their life. You could start a small group of ladies who want to follow God’s plan. You share encouragement from God’s word, pray with them, walk alongside them, and mentor them. Now, think about what God could do with your obedience. Consider how He could multiply your efforts. Your Vision is your dream with the plan attached.


Now, let’s all dream together for a few minutes.

We look around the world and we see darkness. What would happen if we all loved God and loved people and chose to be obedient to use our gift for His glory? How much light would shine into the darkness? How many lives would be changed? How would God multiply our efforts? What miraculous results might we see?

Jesus cast vision. He shared the plan, the Way, the vision would be fulfilled. One day, we will experience the reality of His Vision. Who will be there with us because we loved Him enough to use the gift He has given us for His glory?


Pam Pegram

Leadership & Personal Growth Coach

p.s. If you are ready to find Vision and to fulfill the calling on your life, I would be honored to walk alongside you. Let’s chat. Just respond to this email to start a conversation.

Let’s stay connected…

Resources for you…

  • Need a Mentor? Check out The CIRCLE Mentorship Program. Learn how to apply God’s word to your everyday life and experience true transformation.

  • Want someone to walk alongside you? Pam is a Life & Leadership Coach. Click here and schedule a complimentary call so you can find out more.

  • Need a Speaker at your event? Pam is a sought after speaker. Reach out to her.

  • Ready to Rise Up and become the Leader God is calling your to be? Learn more about our Leadership Program.

  • Subscribe to Pam’s Leadership Newsletter, LEAD, by clicking here.

  • Visit our websites - pampegram.com and engageformore.com

  • If you are looking for a resource to help you grow more intimate with Jesus, check out Pam’s book, Saved by Grace, Now What? It is available on the MWM Marketplace and also available on Amazon.


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