Freedom or Bondage
Freedom or Bondage?
Sometimes it is like a toggle button and we go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. We know that God so loved us that He sent His Son (John 3:16) to offer us the hope of salvation. We could never be good enough or do enough to earn our way to God. Our sin had to be covered by the blood of the Lamb. We also know that Jesus did not come so we could just barely squeeze into the gates of heaven. Right? He offers us abundant life. (John 10:10) The thief takes life, but the shepherd gives life – abundant life. With Christ, our life while we are here on this earth can reach much higher quality. We do not have to wait until heaven to experience love, joy, peace, hope, and true freedom. We read and sing John 8:36 and declare “who the Son sets free is free indeed!” But…are we? Are we living in freedom or bondage? At best – do we toggle back and forth between the two?
Have you been set free or are you still held in bondage by those who hurt you - things that seem so unfair - people who disappoint you or by the need to please everyone around you? Are you striving for a crown? Are you living victoriously or are you feeling a bit defeated? It’s okay – you can be honest with me. Freedom or bondage? Victory or defeat? It’s a struggle, isn’t it? The struggle is real, but so is Jesus! (I actually have a t-shirt that says that. ;-) ) The thief is calling us back into the jail cell and Jesus is calling us out of it. Whose voice are we giving our ear?
You see, when we accepted Jesus as our Savior the cell door popped open! Freedom became ours. But – we have free will and Satan knows it. He is constantly enticing us to choose bondage and defeat. He hisses and calls us to remain right there. But when we are walking with Jesus, He leads us right out of that bondage and knee deep into freedom. However, that cell door is open and Satan is luring us right back there - back into our fears, our insecurities, our pain, our struggles, our anger… our bondage.
Stop. Stop trying to earn approval, stop trying to please man, stop placing expectations on others. Stop stepping back into your cell.
Start. Start looking up. Start remembering that what Jesus has done for you is bigger than what anyone has done to you. Start walking with Him and talking with Him. Let Him lead you into the freedom and victory that He has for you. Surrender and be free indeed!
Hi Friends!
Thank you for reading this blog and supporting Master What Matters. We want to help women stop worrying about all the things that do not matter and instead focus on what matters most - our relationship with Jesus. We need each other. Let’s encourage one another as we learn to take steps closer to our Savior! Let’s study God’s word and spend time in prayer, growing our relationship with Jesus, little by little, until we see Him face to face.
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We are walking around in a lost and dying world. Maybe, just maybe a message on a t-shirt might make a difference to a stranger and change the course of her eternity. You are invited to visit the Marketplace where you will find the book - Saved by Grace, Now What? and graphic tees.
Do you know Jesus? If there is any question, download the Plan of Salvation and read through the scriptures. I would love to chat with you about it. Feel free to reach out to me.