We Step into More when we Place our Trust in Him
More. God has more for you. Did you read the post, What is the More God has for Me? In it, there were 4 steps we can take to discover the more Jesus came to offer us. On my last post, we talked about what it means to take that first step and seek Him first.
How have you been doing with that? Thankfully, every day is a new day to seek Him first.
Are you ready for the next step?
Full disclosure… as I sit and press the keys on my laptop, preparing to share about Step #2, I realize that this is exactly what I need today. I am praying that these words comfort your soul the way they are comforting mine. So, as I remind you, know that I am reminding myself – to trust Him.
Life is sometimes hard… often unfair… and always uncertain. But… the good news is God is good. He is faithful. We can trust Him. And even if we find ourselves with nothing but Him, He is more than enough!
So, let’s wipe our tears, dust off our pain, disappointment, and overwhelm and crawl up in our Heavenly Father’s lap. He is waiting…
What is the more God has for me? We find it when we…
1. Seek Him First (Matthew 6:33)
2. Trust Him - Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Do you? Do I? Do we trust Him? Let’s dig in a little…
These words, trust in the Lord, echo the command we are given in Deuteronomy to love God with all our being. Do you notice the word trust and the word lean? Trusting God is the same as depending on Him, much like leaning against a tree for support. We never doubt that tree will hold us. We rest on it as we catch our breath, find refreshment in the shade of it and prepare for our next step.
This idea is reinforced by the word or the command, acknowledge Him. That doesn’t mean a simple, oh hey – how ya doing? It means to observe Him and get to know God, because as we do, He smooths out our paths. You see, as we get to know God, we will exalt Him. And as we exalt Him, things that are big problems begin to pale in comparison to how BIG He is. Our perspective changes. Our desires change. We step onto the path He has prepared for us to walk.
When things are hard, we can cry out to God.
Did you know the Bible shares words written by real people in difficult situations? There are 49 Chapters of Lament in the Psalms. Sometimes, the words are strong – they scream, they cry, they plead. These are godly sufferers who understand that God can handle their honesty because when they scream – it is a scream of faith.
What is your cry today? What is the burden you are carrying? What is the pain you are feeling?
You can trust God with it. You can trust Him to hear you. You can trust Him to be present with you in your pain. And, you can even trust Him to use your pain for good – the refiner’s fire – purifying you and drawing you closer to Him.
Here is the example the godly sufferers have set for us and how our lament (our passionate expression of grief or sorrow) goes…
O God! (cry of distress)
I am hurting (share our pain)
you do not care (our anger, frustration, emotions)
the enemy is winning (our fear)
I trust you (a confession – in the middle of our confusion, we remember how God has shown up and cared for us in the past, He renews our trust)
do something (we list reasons for God to act)
hear me (petition for God to listen)
save me (petition for God to deliver us from our trouble)
punish them (petition for God to fight our battle, defeat our enemies who mock our faith)
I will praise you (our vow to praise Him and tell of His goodness, our remembrance of who He is and what He has done, our joy that He loves us and is carrying us through our trouble )
Here is what I know to be true…
We can trust God. He is good, all the time He is good. He is faithful. He is not surprised by our circumstance. When we cry, He cares and catches our tears. He holds us. He carries us. He fights for us. He defends us. He goes before us and makes our paths straight. He is waiting on us to follow. He loves us, wants us, and calls to us. He is reaching out to us and inviting us into more with Him.
Now it is up to us trust Him enough to take His hand and step into more with Him.
Note from Pam:
Thank you for reading this blog post. I remember when God began to whisper the word, MORE, to me. I didn’t hear it audibly but it was a constant in my mind. I argued because I was busy and could not do more than I was doing. Then He began to reveal that He was not asking me to add more to my to do list, He was inviting me into more with Him. Today I am praying that you say Yes and step into more with Him.
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I love you and am thankful you are here. Let’s ask, “Master, what matters?” and let’s engage with Him and experience the more He came to offer.