Who Does God Want Us to Become

The struggle is real! We wear so many hats these days and try so hard to accomplish more that anyone could. We place impossible expectations on ourselves and consistently feel as if we have failed. We cannot imagine that God could ever be pleased with us. It is a struggle. We want to rest in the truth of His word, but this negative self-talk swirls and swirls inside of our head. Who does God wants us to be…

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It is Time to Stop What You are Doing

We can justify it, explain it, and make excuses for it. We can find someone to affirm our decisions and make us feel good about what we are doing. We can give power to our thoughts, our feelings and our opinions, believing we know best. But… God knows the condition of our heart. We can fool many, but we will never fool Him…

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It is Not All About Me

God is asking us to surrender, to give up our ways, our plans and our opinions and to replace them with His ways, His plans and His truth. Why? Because God’s word tell us that “He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. So, does that mean that we should feel empowered and smart and use our intelligence to…

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Pam PegramComment
Are You Ready to Give Up

This world we live in can dish up some pretty hard days for us. We experience loss of loved ones, belongings, and relationships. We endure harsh words spoken about us, unfair judgments, and false accusations. Bad things happen, people let us down and life can sometimes seem completely unfair. When we are caught up in despair…

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Pam PegramComment
What Does it Mean to Surrender

We are clingers. We love to hold onto what we should have released long ago. We recite hurtful words, relive painful experiences, express fearful concerns, and in a nanosecond, yield an opinion that is based purely on assumption. We cling. We hold on tight. Yet, we do our best to convince those around us and even ourselves that we, as Christ followers, are surrendered…

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Have You Been Set Free

My new favorite song repeats the words “Who the Son sets free shall be free indeed.” Free, indeed! Can you pause for just 60 seconds and ask yourself, “Have I been set free or am I still in bondage?” We are comfortable in bondage; it feels normal. Even though freedom is ours, we carry our chains, we stand in our cell…

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He Restores My Soul

I sat in a circle with women I barely knew. We had walked different paths and had different life circumstances. We had all made mistakes in our lives, but theirs had led them to this place. I would get up and walk out, but they would remain here in this place until their sentence had been served. 

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What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do

We have so many questions and struggle to find as many answers. We want to do the right thing, but what is the right thing? How do we determine what to do when we simply don’t know what to do?

We phone a friend, type our question into Google, and call our Mama. We are so foolish. Our answers can only be found…

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Fix Your Focus

If you have been following along, you know that most of my blog posts reveal the lessons that God is teaching, hmmm… (well, you already know) – me. Why do we forget? Why do we struggle? Why do we make this so much harder than it needs to be? We are …

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Do You Believe or Do You Not Believe

That is the question. Now, what is your answer? I am willing to guess that you said that you believeand I bet you do believe – some things. Stay with me. If you read this blog, there is a great likelihood that you believe in God, that you believe in Jesus and that you believe the Bible is God’s word. But...

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Season to Surrender

Man, it has been a challenging season for us. The past few weeks have been a real rollercoaster of emotions – up and down, up and down – and crazy busy on top of that. We have experienced some great highs and blessings and struggled through loss and sadness. But…

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Our Beliefs Matter

What do you believe? Do you believe what you say you believe? Do you live like you believe what you say you believe? It is easy to say we believe something, but our actions and our reactions are an indication of the truth. Do we have a strong and authentic belief or do we struggle with unbelief?

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What Matters Most

I have a long list of what matters to me, some really big things and some things that have no business being on the list. What I learned as a child, my life circumstances, my insecurities, and my goals have all contributed to the many items that have found there way onto this list. Over the years I have learned that my plan, my choices, my feelings and my fears can all lead me astray, taking me where I never wanted to go…

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Master, What Matters

There is so much going on… so much to worry about… so much to do… so much that disappoints… so much that hurts… so much to be discouraged about… We smile a pretty smile and say we are fine, but honestly, we are struggling. We are consumed. We are overwhelmed…

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Ever Wonder What Really Matters

Do you ever struggle? Do you feel overwhelmed by the busyness of your life? Do you wake up running and collapse at night frustrated because you were not able to get it all done? There is so much noise. Do you hear it? So much noise from all that is competing for our attention. We wear so many hats and try desperately to keep them all perched perfectly atop our head...

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