Leaders Lead by Example

Do you lecture or do you lead by example. It started with my children. I would go into their room and over explain why they were in trouble and what they could have done better. Then I carried it into other relationships, feeling the need to explain and re-explain why I said what I said. I also brought it into my leadership, sharing why we can or cannot do something and going back over it again and again to make sure they understood where I was coming from. I was lecturing. Yikes! I hate that. Why lecture? I think I did it (and sometimes still do) because I want you to understand me and know my heart. Grab your magnifying glass, because…

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Leaders Use the Pronoun WE

It is so easy to focus on me, do what I think is best, and only worry about my future, my decisions, and my next steps. It is so easy to see my way as the best way and other’s idea as subpar. It is so easy to build my dream and not even consider the dream of others. The only problem is I cannot find the scripture that states, put yourself first – ahead of those you are called to lead. I have searched and searched, and it doesn’t seem to be anywhere in God’s word. Instead, there are these scriptures…

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Purpose, Pursuit, and a Willing Spirit

Take a moment and ponder… When was the last time you were intentionally focusing on pursuing the purpose God has for your life? Isn’t it so easy to rush through day after day after day after day and not give any thought to your purpose or God’s plan for you? And doesn’t it come naturally to zoom focus on your personal plans and seem awkward, even difficult, to pursue God’s purpose for your life, your leadership, and your legacy?

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My God-Sized Dream

One morning during my quiet time, God gave me a dream so BIG that it completely overwhelmed me. I immediately began to cry and like Moses, I told God surely, He should choose someone else. It’s too much. It is too big.

I spent weeks reminding God of my failures, all the reasons this dream was too big for me and trying to convince Him I was not qualified…

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What do YOU Believe?

Have you ever stopped, sat down, and given that some thought? What do you believe? What do you really believe? Are we living as if we believe what we say we believe? If we are willing to be honest and go there, this question brings about some discomfort for us. We want to think we are living a God-honoring life. We want to feel really good about it. But… are we? Let’s ponder these points…

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You are Called to Lead

Do you feel a call on your life? Well, if not – you should. Yikes! Are we like Moses and Gideon and Joshua who all thought God should choose someone else? Are we simply ignoring our calling and hoping others will rise up and step into it for us? The title “Christian” means we are called to rise up and lead out no matter what other titles we may or may not acquire.

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Can I Trust God?

What does it mean to trust Him? Yes, we place our trust in our Savior when we invite Him into our heart and receive salvation. That is such a gift and we praise Him for it!! But after that, when the storms of life come – can we trust God? Can we commit ourselves fully to Him? Can we truly rely on Him?

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Pam PegramComment
Do Good and Live the Good Life

Living the good life requires that we choose to do that which is good. But what happens when our definition of what is good is overshadowed by the world’s ideas? Or… if we are doing good things, but with the wrong motives – are we still doing good?

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Pam PegramComment
Good God - Good Life

If you think you have missed out on the good life, let me encourage you. You haven’t blown it. There is no mistake or failure that denies you from living it. But, there is something that can make it impossible for you to experience it. Oh, it might look to everyone around you that you are living the good life, but you know you are not. You know you are struggling, doubting, feeling like you are being tossed to and fro. So, what is it that is stopping you from living the good life?

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The Prerequisite for Living the Good Life

Why are we chasing after the “good life” when it is ours for the taking? We are striving so we can live the dream. We are saving and cutting corners so we can buy our happiness. We are busting it for the first 60ish years so we can finally step into the good life. But… what if the good life could have been ours all along and we just didn’t realize what we were missing?

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The Good Life is Founded on the Good News

If I asked you, “Are you living the good life?”, what would you say? In my last blog post we talked about what the good life is all about. The dictionary struggles to define it, the world continues to try to create it, and as believers, we are fighting to remember what it is really all about. Can we go back and look at the definition I shared in that post? (Click to see the definition and read the post. You can live the good life starting today.)

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Are You Ready to Live the Good Life

If you woke up tomorrow morning and everything was just as you had hoped, what would your life look like? Have you thought about it? Do you dream about the good life? Are you currently living it or did you just spit your coffee out of your mouth because nothing could be farther from the truth? What is the good life and how can you step into it today?

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Pam PegramComment
What Do I Really Want in Life

Do you know the answer to that question? What do you really want? Do you have what you want or have you given up on the idea that it could be yours? All of us at some time in our lives have struggled with unmet expectations. Maybe we don’t have the family we want or the career we dreamed about. Maybe we would love to look different or have more money in the bank. Could it be that we have made mistakes and feel we missed out on the life we could have had? Let’s talk about how we can determine what we really want…

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How Can I Know What God Wants Me to Do?

I remember many years back I was in a difficult situation; it felt hopeless. I needed a word from God, so I begged and pleaded with Him to just tell me what to do. As I cried out to Him, pleading for help, I ran upstairs, grabbed my Bible, and flung it open. The words in my New King James translation confused me at first. It started… (Continue reading for 3 Things God Wants Us to Do.)

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Look What You've Done

The world shames us and shouts, “look what you’ve done”. We carry guilt and shame and pain from our past and allow it to impact our future far more than it should. Then there are times when the world glorifies us and proclaims, “look what you’ve done!” as if we deserve accolades and applause. We fall prey to the back and forth and toggle from shame to pride to shame to pride. What are we doing? What should we do instead?

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Walk Step by Step in Faith

Are we trying to take charge and telling God where we want to go and what we want to do? Are we doubting the course He has for us and questioning every step, micromanaging the details and seeking our own way? Or… are we His tagalong – happy to just be with Him; willing to go wherever He leads, ready to say “yes” to whatever He asks us to do?

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